Chapter 8

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The next morning, Justin wakes and sees Clay sitting at his bed and staring at him.

Justin Foley: What? What's going on?

Clay Jensen: Yeah. You tell me.

Clay get up from his bed and takes out the drugs he found in Justin's gym bag from his pocket as Justin immediately sits up.

Justin Foley: You went through my fucking shit?

Clay Jensen: Let's skip the righteous anger and fast forward to you explaining why you have an Oxy prescription in the name of Bryce Walker.

Justin Foley: Fuck. Okay. Look, Clay.

Clay Jensen: Are you using again?

Justin Foley: No!

Clay Jensen: I don't believe you.

Justin Foley: I'm... I'm not! Jesus, Clay, I swear.

Clay Jensen: You told me that the last time you saw Bryce was at the end of summer. This prescription is from a month ago. You guys stayed in contact. He sold these to you, didn't he?

Justin Foley: You've got it all wrong.

Clay Jensen: Then explain it to me. Where did you find the pills?

Justin Foley: At the Chatham house. Bryce's funeral.

Justin puts a shirt on and gets up from his bed.

Clay Jensen: Don't lie to me.

Justin Foley: I'm not! Dude, you... You saw me. Upstairs, in the hallway. Remember? I told you I was looking for the bathroom. I had just taken the Oxy from Bryce's bathroom, that's... That's why I was acting so weird, but I'm telling you, it was just that once.

Justin sits back down on his bed as he continues to explain to Clay about the drugs.

Justin Foley: It was just that day. Bryce was dead, and I was all fucked up. And I just went to look for a place to chill, and suddenly, I was in Bryce's room and... it was fucking with my head. I just felt empty and messed up and... just alone.

Clay Jensen: So, it was just one time?

Justin Foley: Yeah. I fucked up. I'm sorry. I'm really... I'm really sorry. Just please... don't tell your folks.

Clay & Justin then both ready for school as they leave the outhouse and inside the house through the kitchen where they find Matt & Lainie sitting on the kitchen table with Dennis Vasquez waiting for them.

Clay Jensen: What happened?

Lainie Jensen: Clay, honey, sit down.

Clay Jensen: I don't want to sit down.

Dennis Vasquez: You've officially been named a person of interest by the Sheriff. He held a press conference this morning.

Clay Jensen: A press conference?

Justin Foley: What does that mean? "A person of interest?" What the fuck is that?

Matt Jensen: Character assassination is what it is.

Dennis Vasquez: It's a tactic.

Lainie Jensen: It means nothing legally.

Clay Jensen: Doesn't feel like nothing. Feels like they're about to arrest me!

Dennis Vasquez: They can't. They don't have enough. So they try to put public pressure on you. They don't have the evidence to call you a suspect, but they want you scared.

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