Chapter 11

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Batman wakes up the next morning with his arms chained up and his cowl & utility belt off as he looks around and see Hannah Baker standing in front of him.

Batman: Hannah...

Prometheus punches Batman.

Prometheus: Hannah Baker is dead. I am Prometheus.

Batman: What have they done to you?

Talia al Ghul: We've given her life.

Talia enters the area where Batman is being held.

Batman: Talia.

Talia al Ghul: Hello, beloved. Prometheus, give us a moment.

Prometheus: Yes, Master.

Prometheus leaves Talia & Batman alone together.

Batman: What have you've done, Talia?

Talia al Ghul: We gave her a 2nd chance. We gave her a purpose.

Batman: You brought her back against her own will and turned her into a killing machine.

Talia al Ghul: You are aware of what happened to her before she took her own life.

Batman: I'm aware.

Talia al Ghul: You did listened to her tapes, did you not?

Batman: I did. She didn't deserved to be treated like that.

Talia al Ghul: Exactly. Especially what Bryce Walker did to her.

Batman: What he did to her is unforgivable. But he didn't deserve to die.

Talia al Ghul: The Joker did much worse and yet you let him live.

Batman: That's because I don't kill, Talia. You know that.

Talia al Ghul: And looked what has happened because you didn't choose to kill The Joker. He did lots of horrible things like paralyzing Barbara Gordon. Bryce Walker was a monster. You've heard about The Clubhouse?

Batman: I'm aware of what he & the baseball team did to those girls. But what about Marcus Cole? The others on those tapes? Why, Talia? Why do you & Ra's care about them?

Talia al Ghul: Because there are no place for people like them on this world. Take Clay Jensen, we've been keeping tabs on him. He claims to have been in love with Hannah Baker and what did he do for her?

Batman: He confronted Bryce. He made him pay for his crime.

Talia al Ghul: Then where was he when Bryce raped her? Where was he when she needed him the most? And Bryce Walker only got 3 months probation while Justin Foley gets 6 months probation? Tell me, Bruce, how is that justice? The justice system in this country is flawed.

Batman: Clay did loved Hannah. And she loved him too.

Talia al Ghul: That's not how she remembers it.

Batman: She doesn't remember everything, does she?

Talia al Ghul: She doesn't need to remember everything.

Batman: So you've manipulated her. They don't deserve to die. They're only kids.

Talia al Ghul: So were we, but then we grew up.

Talia turns around and leaves as Batman calls for her.

Batman: Talia. Talia. TALIA!!!!

As Batman remained a prisoner to the League of Assassins, Clay Jensen sits on the breakfast table with his parents & Justin Foley as both Justin & Clay explain to Matt & Lainie the police raid from the night before.

Prometheus: A 13 Reasons Why/Batman Crossover Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now