Chapter 7

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The next morning, Bruce Wayne goes to Monet's for some coffee. While drinking his coffee, he was going through all the evidence & clues he could find while talking to Barbara Gordon on the phone.

Bruce Wayne: It's defiantly not Clay Jensen. I still haven't crossed out Alex Standall or Zach Dempsey. And then there's Jessica Davis.

Barbara Gordon: And there's no way this Amorowat Anysia Achola killed Bryce Walker if she had a relationship with him.

Bruce Wayne: And let's not forget Justin Foley.

Bruce then sees Nora Walker come in and order herself a coffee. Once she receives her coffee she sits down at a table where Kevin Porter was sitting down.

Bruce Wayne: Barb, Nora Walker just walked in and she's meeting with Kevin Porter.

Barbara Gordon: As in Tape 13 Porter, the school counselor that did nothing when Hannah Baker told him that she was assaulted?

Bruce Wayne: The very same. But why are they meeting?

Barbara Gordon: He did testified against the school when he was called up by the school.

Bruce Wayne: Something tells me I should keep a close eye on him as well.

Meanwhile in the Jensen house hold, Clay & Justin are sitting down at the breakfast table in the kitchen with Matt & Lainie Jensen as they ask Clay more questions about Bryce.

Lainie Jensen: So, you didn't see Bryce after that? Over the summer, this fall?

Clay Jensen: No.

Lainie Jensen: You had no contact with him at all?

Clay & Justin gave each other a look before Clay could answer that question.

Clay Jensen: No. No contact at all.

Lainie Jensen: Never went over to his house? Threatened him again?

Clay Jensen: No.

Lainie Jensen: Can you think of any other reasons why the police would suspect you?

Clay Jensen: It's Mrs. Walker, she's out to get me. Look, you have to believe me. I didn't do anything.

Matt Jensen: Clay, we believe you. We just... the more we know, the better we can protect you.

Clay Jensen: There's nothing to know.

Clay has not told anyone that Batman paid him a visit last night.

Lainie Jensen: Dennis has agreed to represent you. He started out in the PD's office. He knows criminal defense.

Dennis Vasquez represented the Bakers for Hannah's trial, he did everything in his power to get justice for Hannah. After Hannah's trial, Laine Jensen left her law firm (who represented the school) and joined Dennis' law firm to work on case like sexual assault.

Clay Jensen: I'm not a criminal

Matt Jensen: We know.

Lainie Jensen: Clay, we need to take action. We need to protect you.

Clay Jensen: So, what... what can I do?

Lainie Jensen: Nothing. Dennis was very clear about that.

Matt Jensen: You don't wanna give the police or Mrs. Walker anything they can use against you.

Lainie Jensen: And we'd like you to see Dr. Ellman.

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