Chapter 5

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It is the day of Bryce Walker's funeral and Tony Padilla was brought in to the the police department for questioning as Ani Achola has gown suspicious of Tony after she found Tony's Mustang that he loved so much in the Chatham House garage. Ani asked herself "Why would Bryce have Tony's Mustang?". Ani called Clay and told him about the Mustang but Clay doesn't believe that it's the same one that Tony had. While Tony was at Evergreen County Police Department being questioned, Clay, Ani, Justin, Zach, & the Liberty High football team skip school to attend Bryce Walker's funeral. Ani came with her mother, Nora Walker, & Harrison Chatham as they sit in front row. Clay & Justin arrive with Matt & Lainie Jensen, they came along to support Justin despite their feeling towards Bryce. When Clay walked in to the church he immediately locked eye with Nora Walker, Nora suspects that Clay is the one who murdered her son. Bryce's ex girlfriend, Chloe Rice, also came to pay her respects as she sat with Zach Dempsey who came with his mother. The football team were all wearing their football jersey as they are mourning their fallen friend. The Evergreen County Police are also in attendance with Sheriff Diaz in charge. Clay text to Ani to meet him by the entrance to talk about the Mustang, Ani gets up from her seat and goes to meet with Clay in the stairs that leads to the 2nd floor and at the same time Bruce Wayne arrives to the church to pay his respects to the Walker family. As Bruce Wayne enters the church, he over hears Clay & Ani's conversation.

Ani Achola: I told you not to even look at me today, let alone text. I'm stuck between Mrs. Walker & my mum.

Clay Jensen: We have to talk about the Mustang.

Ani Achola: I am 99% positive it's his.

Clay Jensen: Tony told me he sold it to help his dad's shop, to a family in Arizona. He says, "A piece of my heart is in Arizona". You've heard him say it.

Ani Achola: You always believe him? 

Clay Jensen: He's withheld certain information for a period of time, but that's a whole other story. He's never lied to me.

Clay was referring to Hannah's tapes. Before Hannah Baker killed herself she recorded 13 audio cassette tapes explaining why she took her own life, she made a copy of the 13 set tapes and dropped it off to Tony with a note saying "Tony, Please listen to these tapes - you'll know what to do. I know you'll  keep my secret. You owe me. Hannah." Tony listened to the tapes and once he realized what's happening he got in his Mustang and speeded to Hannah's house, but he was too late. Tony made sure that everyone listened to the tapes, he never told Clay about any of it until it was his turn to listen to the tapes. The reason Tony owed Hannah was because last year while he was on a date with Ryan Shaver, they're passing by a alleyway where they stop give each other a kiss and a man passes by them and says a homophobic slur towards them, that pissed of Tony as he beat the living shit of the guy as people look on and call the police on Tony. Tony began to ran from the cops as he made his way to the Crestmont, he enters the movie theatre where Hannah was working, Hannah saw Tony's hand bloodied & bruised and was shocked, Tony begs her to hide him and she does. After the coast was was clear, Hannah tended to Tony's hand as he told her what he did and regretted it, Hannah gets how remorseful he was because she had remorse too, Hannah told Tony that the year before at her old school she bullied a girl, Sarah Carlin, and she regretted everything she ever did to poor Sarah because she too was now experiencing what Sarah went through but worse. Tony never told anyone about what Hannah did for him until after he testified for the school during Hannah's trial, the 1st person he told was Hannah's mother, Olivia Baker, then finally told his friends.

Ani Achola: Clay, I'm telling you, it's his.

Clay Jensen: There's no way. And I can prove it to you. As soon as I can find Tony.

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