Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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I was always a weird child. I mean, I did normal kid things like go to the park, be the smartest in school, other normal things? I didn't have any friends growing up and I was happy that way. I'm not that bad looking, for being Grade 8. I have a clean face and perfectly white teeth. I'm about 4'10", brown and curly hair, I wasn't fat but I wasn't super skinny either. But what to wear? I know that my mom laid out a pair of jeans and a nice shirt though I felt more like wearing my usual black shirt, hoodie, pants, and shoes. My mom will kill me if I do that though. Hey, it's my life to live and not hers to control, for the most part.

I left my room with my backpack over my shoulder and went down to the fridge. I looked around and saw milk, eggs, yogurt, vegetables... ew, fruit cups, LEFTOVER PIZZA! I grabbed the box and ran over to the table to begin my feast. The flavours of bacon, cheddar cheese, onion, beef, tomato sauce, and crust all coming together in my mouth. Gives me goosebumps. That pizza was so good, I finished what was about a half box's worth in about 15 minutes. My mouth is just begging for more but that was the last one till shopping. "Maison, get yourself into this vehicle before I leave without you!" Mom yelled from the garage.

"I'm coming," I said as I reached for my bag and bolted into the garage.

I grabbed the door handle and ripped my arm backwards just missing myself in the process. There, I threw myself into the back seat knowing my brother would want shotgun. I scooted over to the driver's side and sat down while taking my backpack off and sitting it in the middle. I got myself buckled in and pulled out the phone mom got me as a Grade 7 graduation present. It was a Samsung Galaxy Note 20 and it was amazing. I also got an unlimited talk and text plan with 20GB of data. I began looking through some photos of things I did through the summer. "Atticus put your ball away and get into the car! Your brother is finally ready," I heard my mother call.

I looked up and saw Atticus run in and place his soccer ball with his other numerous balls. I was always suspicious that he was adopted yet mom always insisted that he was my brother and that we were twins. He came up to the back-seat door and opened it. This was odd as he usually wanted the front, and my phone was ripped from my hands. "What you going to do 'bout it Maison, huh?" Atticus spouted at me.

"Nothing," I responded.

"Good, cause your not getting this back. Mom was stupid to give you this," He said while slamming the back door and getting into the front.

As he sat down and closed the door, mom reached in from the driver's door and took my phone from his hand. "What are you doing with this? I already told you that I spent the same amount on both of you for your gifts. I paid good money for that ball because it was the one you wanted and I still got you a phone along with a plan so you can call and text me and your brother," Mom said.

"So, he got that super expensive phone and got to go off to camp while I had to stay at home. We have gone to that camp every year," Atticus said.

"You watch your tone with me mister and say sorry to your brother for taking his phone and you can say goodbye to that phone of yours," Mom said and handed me back my phone.

"I'm sorry that I took your phone," Atticus said in what I could tell was a fake tone.

Mom got into the vehicle and started it. I looked back down at my phone and started to play some Minecraft. I was obsessed with the game and played non-stop when I had the time. There's something about roaming around in a world that is yours for the taking that has just kept me playing since I first heard of it. Since then, I have built things from castles to computers that can calculate simple math.

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