Chapter 9: Training Of Hell (And Powers)

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Before we begin:

-Zeus' Blezsing: The blessing of the God Of Lightning and Thunder(Command over Lightning and Thunder)

-Hades' Blessing: The blessing of the Underworld and Darkness(Command over the Underworld and Darkness)

-Poseidon's Blessing: The blessing of the King Of The Ocean And Waves.(Command of water and anything water-based)

-Artemis' Blessing: The Blessing o the Goddess of the Hunt; Diana(Basically hightens his senses and physical abilities)

•TimeSkip To A Day Before Sport's Festival:

Hyris: Izuku, now the gods have bestowed their blessings upon you, you now have full understanding of your power as well as all theirs as a bonus.

Now, my young successor, Go MAKE ME PROUD!


Izuku's POV:

"During that training of hell, it was truly hell. Day after day after day I was dragged through the mud but in the end...I have becom stronger and more powerful.

I still am not at my full potential and will still need training in order to control these powers.However, I am sure that I will come out on top for sure!" Izuku thought

"So far I only have the full blessings of Zeus amd Hedes. Still working on Poseidon's and Artemis' tho" *Sweat drops*

FlashBack (To Beginning of Training):

Izuku's POV:

At the start it was just some pushups....

Who am I kidding!

At the start I ran an entire 500 metres, did 100,000 push ups, 80,000 pull ups and 50,000 squats. (So easy)

That wasn't even the worse of it!
After the physicals I would have elemental training which begun with Zeus, goes on to Hades, Poseidon and finally Artemis.

Once this was done, I would have to do combat training, training in the arts of the "Lightning Fists", this martial arts technique uses full capacity of speed and strength along with concentration. (Definetly didn't pull that one outta my ass)

This technique was made by Zeus and was only teachable to Gods and Demigods for if a normal human were to train in these arts, they would die from fatigue and strain on their muscles.

Moving on,

To the start of Elememtal Training I would have to sit in a cross legged position and meditate for 5 hours. Once that's done, I would have to attempt to summon lightning without the use of my normal powers given to me by Hyris.

After about 3 days of doing this over amd over I finally summoned a lighning bolt the size of a car. Great.

After Zeus' training I would go to the Underworld with Hades to which I would learn a mew martial arts style known as the "Serpent Of Darkness", this specific arts utilizes Strength over agility amd speed. Summoning darkness or your body's energy to your fist, strengthening them to deal a devastating and lethal blow to your foes.

In order for me to begin the actual training I would first have to meditate(again) for 3 hours and then attempt to summon darkness.

This went on for another 3 days. Then on the third day I finally brought forth darkness to which I began attempting to channel it to my fists.

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