~Chapter 4~

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Chapter 4: A robbery.

The human still never calmed down as he was still mumbling. It was actually kind of cute because he makes motion things with his hands.

"How can she be the Lion King's Daughter if she looks like a male in beast form? Maybe had a deficiency when she was born...no that can't be right. I mean she is the size of a semi truck, what am I saying Iida?! Make since!" He mumbled, walking back and forth.

"Uhmmm...are you okay?" You asked, slightly tilting your head.

He didn't answer, just kept mumbling.

'Ughh, what is it with humans mumbling? 'Deku' mumbled while writing with a stick now this human?'

Lifting in the air, you flew towards him as you hung upside down.

Touching his face, he stopped looking into your eyes.

"What are those things on your face? Is it a body part?" You asked, pointing to the square object on his nose.

Confused at first he thought for a moment but realised you were talking about his glasses.

Taking them off, your eyes widened.

"Why aren't you bleeding?!" you worryingly asked.

Chuckling, he put the part back on.

"These aren't a body part, they are glasses!" he explained as you tilted your head again.

"Glassssessss.....?" You repeated.

"They are a contraption to help me see better."

Your tail wagged while your wings fluttered. "That's so cool!"

"Yes, they are cool for people who can't see."

Walking closer, you began to sniff him.

He kind of freaked out a bit, due to the fact that you're actually smelling him.

But after a little bit, he began to calm down.

'He smells good.' you thought, taking a step back.

You then noticed a small gold thing on his wrist.

Tilting your head again, you grabbed his arm as you looked at the object.

"What other things do you have hear in the human world?"

"A-Are you talking about this?" He asked, lifting up his wrist to reveal the gold thing.

You nodded, as your wings fluttered with excitement.

"It's a watch, it can help people tell the exact time of day!" Your face glowed with impression, looking at the small device with awe.

You see the human hide it with his white shirt, making you more intrigued.

"We never have stuff like that in heaven." You blurted our, making him face you.

"What are the heavens like?" He asked.

"Heavens beautiful! full of life and beauty! You can walk on the clouds, eat all the fruit and meat in the world!"

"Sounds like a dream place."

Frowning, you looked down.

"Not when you live their you're whole life."

His breath hitched, as he looked at your frowning form.

He felt bad for you.

How could a mother and father never let their child see the world?

"You mean you were stuck there you're whole life?"

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