Chapter 16

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Liam's P.O.V.

As I parked in front of my moms house I started to get nervous and I guess Kat noticed because she put her hand on my shoulder to get my attention.

" You will be fine." She smiled and I gave her a weak one back.

As we walked up the concrete steps I felt my heart beat speed up. I haven't seen or talked to my mom in almost three months since I moved out. She probably hates me and I'm probably the last person she wants to see. I knocked on the door twice. I regretted it when My dad was the person who opened the door with a big frown on his face,but it caught me off guard when he smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. After a few seconds I hugged him back. I haven't talked or seen my dad, in about, well it's been to long to count. The last time we were this close was when I seventeen and we got in a huge fight because he missed my birthday,just to go have a drink with a few co-workers and came home that night with two speeding tickets and a black eye. Not to say he was so drunk he left his car running and puked all over the furniture.

" It's been to long son." He patted my back twice before letting go and turning his attention to Kat who was behind me with a huge grin on her face.

" Nice to see you little miss Katherine." He smiled before giving her a hug.

" Nice to see you too Mr. Payne." She said as they pulled away and we walk into the living room.

" Karen you won't believe who's here , come quick." My father called to my mom who was in the kitchen.

The house smelled like maple.

"Who could poss---" she stopped talking as her eyes met mine and she was instantly in tears.

" Liam." My mom ran over to me and started kissing my cheeks and hugging me so tight she felt like a boa-constrictor

I felt my cheeks heat up and turn red as I remembered Kat was standing right next to me.

" I missed you too mom. I brought Kat as well." I smiled at my mom as her head swung to the side and instantly sprung off me and latched herself to Kat.

Katherine's P.O.V.

" missed you to mom. I brought Kat as well." As soon as those words let Liam's mouth Karen was latched on me like a monkey and I could barely breath.

" Sorry dear it's been awhile since I've seen you two." She smiled awkwardly letting go of me.

" I've missed you as well. You look younger than ever." I smiled.

She hasn't aged a bit in my opinion.

" Oh, you don't have to lie I know what I look like." She blushed

" Oh,mom you could be a model if you wanted to." Liam smiled at his mom, earning another big kiss on the cheek from her.

" Will you two be staying for dinner, I am almost done."

She looked so happy and Liam looked at me for permission to say yes and I happily took her up on the offer.

" If it's not too much of a bother." Liam shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck.

I could tell Liam was nervous.

" Son, you and Kat are never a bother nor burden in our lives. You are welcome to come here whenever you want." Mr.Payne put his arm around his wives shoulder, giving me and Liam welcoming smiles.

Liam and I looked at each other before smiling at his wonderful parents, then we all headed to the kitchen.


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