New home and babies

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In which Luko, Beatrix and Paula were all able to get out of here. But sadly, the rest of the tribe were captured by police and were sent to shelters for good. The trio were somehow lucky and have the Ferals with them. They were all on a boat and all headed towards South America and around towards off the coast of Peru. They were then met by flock and headed for a large island continent as large as South America! The boat ran a ground.

Paula: I think we reached land.

Beatrix: I know right?

Luko: Let's go.

All of the animals of the boat manage to get off and ran off into the jungle. Much to the trio's confusion as they exited the vessel and onto the ground. They then ventured into the jungle. They then came across giant snails called Spiked Snails: descendants of Giant African land snails that were introduce to South America and possibly rafted here. These were as large as small dogs!

Luko: I am guessing that this island continent will be a suitable place for us and to have the babies.

Beatrix: We agree.

They then proceed into the jungle and towards a new home. They were able to find an empty cave for them to live in as their home. In a matter of time in the month of January, Beatrix and Paula gave birth to 3 babies: Paula give birth to a boy, as Beatrix gives birth to twins! This was a new beginning for Luko as he is now a father!

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