Feral Pigs of New Lantia

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The pigs were introduce here as well in the 1940s. The breeds are Grice, Tamworth pig, Berkshire pig, Duroc pig, Red Wattle hog, Hereford pig, British Saddleback, American Yorkshire and Gloucestershire Old Spots. In which the Grice survived from extinction and somehow migrated here.

Grice are found in all forests and grasslands of the island continent.

Tamworth pigs live only in the savannahs.

Berkshire pigs live only in swamps and bayous.

Duroc pigs only live in wet parts and beaches of New Lantia.

Red Wattle hogs live along the river banks.

Hereford pigs live in all wetlands of the island continent.

British Saddlebacks live in bogs and swamps.

American Yorkshires live in only the bayous.

Gloucestershire Old Spots live in grasslands, wetlands, swamps, bayous, bogs, marshes and everglades.

Only the Grice are capable of forming protective circles as well as predators will be trying to eat them

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