De-extinct wolves of New Lantia

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In which this extra chapter contains de-extinct wolves of New Lantia:

1. Florida black wolves are now found across the forested areas of Imperial Valleys and Caspian Lowlands of New Lantia.2. Texas wolves are mostly found across the Boreal Forests, Caspian Lowlands, Northern Prairies and Imperial Valleys of New Lantia.3. Mogollon Mountain wolves are now found across the forested areas and mountainous regions of the Orion Mountains of New Lantia.4. Greenland wolves are now found across the polar regions and alpine tundras of the Snowy Savannas and Sakhalin Tundra of New Lantia. 5. Southern Rocky Mountain wolves are now found across the forested areas and mountainous regions of the Caspian Highlands and Orion Mountains of New Lantia.

All of the wolves hunt every time of game animal like kudu deer, feral pigs, feral goats, feral cattle, feral sheep, gazelle sheep and many others. In which they are able to survive and thrive here.

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