~Chapter 10~

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'Wait what?! No no this is bad, this is bad, bad, bad!' I started to panic.

"Y/n why do you look so disturbed." He asked concerned.
"This is bad Suga! Coach will probably fire me."


"You haven't heard? Everyone except you and me are in the gym."

"What but my alarm clock said it was 4:20?!"

"Coach asked me to go get you."

-Flashback end-

"He's not mad let's just go before he does."
"Y-yeah ok..."

We walked together toward the gym and I hesitantly walked inside.
Most teams were already having their matches.

"L/N!!" I sqeaked at the sound of the coaches voice.
"Uhm h-hi -GOOD MORNING COACH UKAI!!!!" I saluted.
He sweatdropped.
"Erm L/n.... no need to do that."
"O-oh right." I immediately dropped my hand.

"So, is there a reason for your tardiness?"
"Well, I woke up and my clock said it was 4:20 so I took my time to get ready... I didn't know my clock was wrong."
"Oh ok then, but it better not happen again." He gave me a dark glare and I gulped and nodded.

-Time Skip-

It was a long day~ wait- it's only 9 am, handing out water bottles, dealing with all the guys hitting on me (lmao), and hoping for Karasuno to finally win.
'Hah who knew I was such a babe'
I smirked and made a weird face as I thought to myself.

I immediately pushed my weird ass thoughts out of my head and looked up to see Akaashi.
"What's with that face you were making." He chuckled.

"Its nothing." I smiled innocently.
He ruffled my hair sweetly.
"Would you like to grab lunch with me now?" He asked.
"Its only 9:30...?"
He blushed. "Ah! Yeah later I meant."
"Of course I'd like to eat lunch with you Keiji- san." I giggled.

His cheeks turned beet red at the use of his first name.
'He's so cute~'
"I-i've got to go make sure Bokuto- San isn't eating shi- I mean burning the school down- eh bye l/n- san." And ran out of the gym.

"Burning the school... down?" I mumbled. 'Ok-'
I walked out of the gym to the vending machine.

As I approached the vending machine I heard two voices weeping.
"Wahhhh money."
"Where is the money goddess when you need her."
I peeked around the corner and saw Hinata and Nishinoya.

"Ahem- what are you two doing?"
They whipped their heads around to look at me.
"Y/n- San I was going to buy Hinata and I an Ice cream bar but I ran out of money." Nishinoya looked sad.
"Well how much do you need?" I asked.
"I literally only need one dollar."
"Oh it's your lucky day! I have an extra dollar on me."
I handed him the money.
"What?! Are you sure Y/n- San??? I can't accept this." He started giving me back the money.

I waved my hand at him dismissively.
"No take it."
"Really?" "Yes."
"You sure??" "Yes Noya- kun."
Hinata came out if no where and hugged me.
"Thank you so much y/n- san!"
Noya joined us.
"You really are the money goddess y/n- chan!"
I hugged them back.
"Of course! Your welcome guys."

We bought our snacks and walked back to gym.


As lunch time came, I walked around the cafeteria looking for Akaashi.
When I spotted him I walked over and sat down on the empty seat between him and Bokuto.
"Hello l/n- san."
"Hey kej-"
"Bokuto- San please don't yell."
"Hi Bokuto."
Team Fukurodani was sitting with Nekoma.
"Hey chibi- chan~" Kuroo greeted me across the table.
"Hi Kuroo."
I saw Kenma on his phone sitting next to Kuroo.

"Hello Kenma." I said to him.
He looked up to me and smiled.
"Hi y/n."
After we ate and chatted a bit, I felt my phone vibrate for a second.
I turned on my phone and saw a text from Kiyoko.


Y/n where are you?

I'm sitting with Fukurodani and Nekoma.


Coach asked me to tell you and Yamaguchi to bring some boxes upstairs.

Oh ok.

Where is Yamaguchi then?

He's waiting outside the door for you.

Okie thanks girlie❤



I started to get up when kuroo said,
"Leaving so soon chibi- chan?"
"Yeah I got to help bring some stuff upstairs. Sorry."
"Its no problem y/n, thanks for eating lunch with us." Akaashi told me.
"Yeah thanks y/n." Bokuto and kuroo said at the same time.
"Of course." I gave them a closed eyed smile and waved as they said bye.


I walked outside the cafeteria looking for Yamaguchi, but couldn't find him anywhere.
"Yamaguchi?" I called out.
I walked around and was about to round the corner when,
I yelped and was about to throw a punch when I heard someone panicking.

"WAIT! Y/n open your eyes."
I opened them and saw Tsukishima trying to contain his laughter and Yamaguchi looking worried.
I got angry.

Yamaguchi flinched when he glanced at my face.
"Tsukki forced me to-"
"Haha what are you going to go about it shorty?" This little- well not little kid is starting to get on my nerves.
I tried to stay calm.
"I am NOT short."
"Ok but you are definitely a fatass with all the food you eat." He snickered.
"Where did me eating too much come from." I was really close to murdering him.
"Well it's a fact and I decided to bring it up, ever thought of getting your anger issues checked by a therapist?"

I wanted to whack the smug look right off his face. But that's what he was trying to get me to do, so being the totally patient, kind, wonderful human being I am, I huffed, grabbed Yamachi's wrist and pulled him away.


"Wow! Those boxes were sure heavy."
'Why did coach make me do it' I internally cried.
"Yeah they were. Do want to grab some water y/n?"
"Sure, I feel like I'd die if I don't drink something soon."
We walked down to cafeteria and got ourselves a glass of water.
Kiyoko approached me.
"Y/n You seriously need to work out more." She said smugly.
"No. Never. I rather die."
She laughed and walked away.

"Y/n I heard that the next match will be starting soon." Yamaguchi informed me.
"Oh ok, thanks for telling me."


A/n: Hey guys, I sorry I haven't been updating lately, I'll try my hardest to get more chapters out for you guys. And 2K!?!?!?!? YOU GUYS ARE CRAZYYYYYY Thank you so much I didn't expect my book to get THIS far T-T you people bring tears to my eyes. Thank you the support ;3 I love you all <3

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