The 5 month stress begins(smut)

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Zach starts breaking down and bites his nails. I don't want anything to happen to him so I sit by him and rub his back. "Zach... calm down, it's okay..." I say calmly. He says sobbing "I fucked up mikayla... you shouldn't have been treated like that by me..." I hug him and try to comfort him. He hugs me back crying his eyes out. I get jack to comfort him since their bestfriends and go in the back with daniel.

"This is gonna be a hectic couple months..." Daniel says. I say "I know.. but we will get through it.." "Ya know corbyn is getting death threats again?" Daniel says. My eyes widen and I go out to talk to corbyn. "Hey luv... daniel told me you were getting death threats..." I say softly. "Why'd you tell her bro!" He says to daniel. I say "why didn't you want me to know." He says "I just don't want people to feel bad for me... yeah i'm suicidal, yeah i wanna die everyday..." I hug him. "don't think about that stuff.." i hold his hand. "what about christina? you still have her don't you.?" He says "No..." My eyes widen. "NO!! CORBINA!! THATS SO SADD! IM SO SORRY..." I start crying with him.

    Zach hates me. Corbyns suicidal. Jack has anxiety and sadness because zach is upset. Daniel can't control his anger. Jonah gets body shamed. "Everything's great!" I pretend i'm okay for corbyn, i want him to know life has more to it than he sees.

    I can't take it all. I go in the back room and daniel follows me. I say "Go away... I can't take it... I can't take all the sadness that is tensed in this bus." "Okay..." Daniel says and goes back out. A couple minutes later the 5 boys come back and ashley come back and give me a big group hug. I sniffle and say "what is this for?" Daniel says, "for helping us... you look like you needed a hug" I smile and then hug them 1 by 1.

    We all go in the way back and all lay down in a gigantic bed. Daniel and Corbyn lay by me. I make sure corbyn doesn't have cuts on his arms. "Sleeves" I say. "No..." Corbyn says. "Sleeves now!" I say. He rolls them up and big scars are across his wrists. "Corbyn.." i say. He sits silently. "Daily wrist checks, if these aren't gone by a month i will be staying with u every night and everyday" I say. He sighs and says ok.

we all watch a movie and i rub his wrists gently so they don't sting or hurt in anyway. I feel daniels hand on my inner thigh get his hand close to my 🐱 and i moan by accident. "I'm sorry.." I whisper. Everyone looks at me like i'm crazy. I slap daniel. He gets his hand away and just cuddles me. I lean my head on him and he leans his on me.

The movie finishes and We arrive at the hotel we are staying at until the guys have to head to the concert.

We all get a room besides me and daniel we share one... I know how this is gonna go. We get unpacked and lay down. He gives me a devilish look. I know what he wants. "afternoon sex before i have to go?" He says. I get on top of him and say "Yes of course..."
He removes me clothes and my thong and I remove his. I suck him off and he cums in my mouth. He moans and grabs the sheets hard. I lick it up and he flips me over. He lays on top of me putting his hands on my body and tits. He puts his 🍆 in 🐱 and goes in and out. I grip the sheet moaning. "Uhh daddy!! Fuck me harder!" I say. He knows he hit my G-Spot. He goes harder and harder. I cum and he cums. He licks mine and his up. I say "you didn't leave any for me!" He kisses me and i taste his cum on my lips. I smile because he knew i wanted that.

We finish and we did about 4 rounds. I become very shaky and it kinda hurts so for a little longer he rubs my legs and 🐱. We watch a movie and i lay really close to him feeling his abs. I wrap my leg around him and we look at each other face to face. He kisses me again and closes his eyes and lays his head on my shoulder. I lay my head on his shoulder too.

A couple minutes pass and he says "I have to get going to the concert... You are welcome to come with... you can get a front row and a vip after" He says and gives me a devilish stair. I smile and say "Of course..." I get ready. I put a new thong on, a pair of black jeans, and daniels shirt he gave me after he fucked the hell outta me. I still have hickeys on my neck and stomach from him but I cover them up with bandages. He does the same. "babe" he moans. I say "I'm not your yet dani... but i can be..." He says "I'd love that... will u be my girlfriend, forever love, wifey mikayla?" I say "yes" and smile.

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