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After the Quidditch final, the worst exams were here - the O.W.L.'s.

I literally forgot about everything else in the world and just focused on them, especially those subjects that could require the highest marks in some professions. I put most of my attention in DADA, Charms and Transfigurations. Herbology, however... let's say that wasn't my strength in magic, I only expected an A.

I locked myself in the Slytherin common room and only left it to grab a coffee at the Hall.

During a whole week, I didn't know anything from the Gryffindors and even Liv was having a rest between all this mess since the Ravenclaws were too focused on being the ones with the best marks to even bother her.

The previous hour to my Potions exam, I decided to leave my dorm and go to the Library since the First Year students were making a lot of noise outside of my door. When I arrived, it was almost full but at the same time, deadly quiet. I saw a group of Hufflepuffs almost crying while they were reading their books, a bunch of Slytherins quietly writing, and a group of Gryffindors who, surprisingly, were also calmed and silent.

In one of the tables, all by herself, was Granger, Potter's muggle-born friend. She noticed my eyes on her and when she looked at me, she blushed horribly. Poor kid! I smirked and winked at her and she focused again on her book with her eyes open widely and her cheeks redder than ever.

I sat far enough from the Gryffindor table, close to the section full of Potions books even though I was studying from one of my uncle's.

Someone touched my shoulder and I immediately turned around. Snape was looking at me with his usual serious face but his eyes were shining with pure concern and surprise.

"May I have a word with you, Arambella?" he drawled calmly and in a soft voice trying not to catch anyone else's attention, but it didn't work since in less than one second all eyes were on us.

"Sure, Professor."

I put my bag on my shoulder and followed him to the empty corridor. While I stood in front of him, he sighed heavily as if he was debating with himself whether to talk or not.

"Because of the relationship that connects us, I wanted to be the one who gave you this news before any of your classmates could say anything." he started without looking directly at my face.

Confused, I got closer to him and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"Your mother tried to escape from Azkaban."

Oh no.

My legs started to shake and I felt like my mouth get drier and how my soul almost left my body. That was, by far, the worst news anybody could give me.

Snape grabbed my arm to make sure I didn't fall or faint.

"What? Did she-? Is she-?" I couldn't even find the exact words and my voice felt far away, like if it wasn't me the one who spoke.

"No, no. The Dementors caught her before she could abandon the prison, but she did break her cell's door," he answered cautiously. He seemed very angry and disappointed at the same time, but for the first time in years, it seemed like those feelings weren't directed to me.

"What are they going to do with her?"

I could barely breathe, the air was leaving my lungs as fast as it got in them.

Snape sighed.

"She is will be taken to the most dangerous criminals' zone in Azkaban. With Lestrange, Rockwood and other main followers of You-know-who." Snape's eyes finally found mine. "She was not successful this time, Lilith, but don't think that will stop her from trying again. If I were you, I would be extremely careful out of Hogwarts..."

𝖶𝖨𝖢𝖪𝖤𝖣 𝖧𝖠𝖳𝖤 | 𝖥𝖱𝖤𝖣 𝖶𝖤𝖠𝖲𝖫𝖤𝖸Where stories live. Discover now