What have we done!?

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A/N: Here we go guys this is it! Last chapter! I'm sooo nervous! Even though I know the outcome of the whole trilogy! Mwahahaha! You'll just have to read the next book to see what is going to happen! Anyways enough of my rambling you probably want to read so....

Chapter 14 

What have we done!?

 (thorin's POV)

We slowly shuffle across the bridge trying to not be heard until. Cling! I look down and behind me was a small gold coin, it laid in front of Bilbo. So naturally he checked to make sure it didn't fall off of him. As soon as I smelt it I knew it wasn't Bilbo. It was our little problem. He hovered over us. Oh, no this is the end we are done for! Wait...hold on...he doesn't know we are here! I keep my eyes locked on his underside. And a small sprinkle of gold coins came down upon us. I gesture for the rest of the company to follow my lead. I can get us out of it! We ran around halls the halls that I knew so well. Going for the guard room. "Stay close," I ordered. 

No. There were bodies strewn about. The last of my kin. Hoping for a way out. This cannot be. "That's it then...there's no way out" Dwalin stated obviously. 

"The last of or kin," Balin mournfully gruphed in a deep voice, "They must have come here... hoping beyond hope.  We could try to reach the mines. We might last a few days."

I could practically hear their screams they haunted my mind a chilled my blood. I cannot die like this. Not since I have come so far, this cannot be my end. "No," I breathed, "I will not die like this," I narrated my thoughts out loud, "Cowering. Clawing for breath. We make for the forges!"

"He'll see us. Sure as death, " Dwalin objected.

"Not if we split up," I voiced. I actually might be on to something here.

"Thorin. We'll never make it," Balin protested.

"Some of us might, "I assured, "Lead him to the forges. We kill the dragon. If this is to end in fire...then we will all burn together!" I am really getting this motivational speaking down!

And we start running, "This way!" I hail. Running onto an open bridge.

"Flee. Flee! Run for your lives. There is nowhere to hide," The beast uttered.

"Behind you!" another group called. He looked away and we seized our chance to start running again. "Worm! Come on! Run!"

"Hey, you!" I heard Dwalin cry in the distance...that was the last I heard of the company. Besides the one I was with. 


"This way! It's this way! Come on!" Balin shouted after me. Bilbo was able go back and get to him on time but I? I was not so lucky today.

"Thorin!" Bilbo cried. It was too late.

"Follow Balin!" I commanded.

"Thorin!" Bilbo bellowed back.

"Come on!" Balin rushed Bilbo. 

He huffed fire at me and I was met with a cliff. What to do. I jump. Maybe my luck was't all bad. I managed to hang onto a rope and escape his dragon fire which had already killed so many. This is where my luck ends. I was plummeting down into a never ending hole, on a rope which wont stop, with a dragon coming after me. 

My ears pick up a faint, "Thorin!" Coming from I don't know who. All I could really worry about is the rope and the dragon. The rope comes to a hault, thank Durin for that. I started to fly up. It would be quite fun if I wasn't heading strait for Smaug. Ugh, he manages to grab the end of the rope and stop my movement, bringing the crane down too. Oh, my, oh, goodness, oh, I don't know what to say. I am doomed...standing on the tip of Smaug's jaw. I could see fire stirring within him so I jump. I find another roped cart to hang on to. Now I am moving up faster than water rushing in a river. Now with fire at my tail. I duck to avoid it and run to my destination. 

Revenge on Both Sides (book 2 in the Unexpected Love Trilogy, Hobbit Romance)Where stories live. Discover now