Sports Festival, Start!

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"Come here!" Mishizu demanded, dragging a panicky Kaneri by her uniform. 

"M-Mishizu, w-what are you doing?!" Kaneri said as she tried wriggling out of her grasp.

"You'll figure it out! Just calm down you squirmy bitch!" Mishizu demanded. 


"SHUSH! Can you be any louder?" 


"We're getting closer to where we need be. So just calm your tits, okay? You're gonna get me in trouble, Dumbass." 

After a few more inches of dragging, Mishizu started to get more and more excited. When they actually got to their destination, Kaneri was confused. 

"Um... Mishizu? Why are we at the boys locker room?" 

"Isn't it obvious?" 

"No...that's why I asked." 

Mishizu sighed in annoyance. "I'm gonna peek in." 

"Huh? why?" Kaneri whispered in question. 

"Because, the boys just got back from training for the sports festival, that means a bunch of sweaty shirtless dudes all in the same room~" Mishizu said in a sort of dreamy state as she clasped her hands together. 

"Um...O-okay?... but why did I have to come?" Kaneri asked, twirling her fingers in her hair. 

"Because, you're a good girl. They trust you. No one would suspect a thing if you're here with me." 

"This...this feels wrong.." Kaneri hid behind her hair. 

"Oh come on. Look, do you like dudes?"


"Are you a lesbian?" Mishizu asked bluntly. 


"Then this is eye candy for you too." Mishizu smirked. 

"I-I don't like this." Kaneri mumbled. 

"Well fine, your loss. But I'm gonna look." Mishizu said as she gleefully looked around the corner into the boys locker room. 

Mishizu mumbled small things to herself as Kaneri watched in concern.

"U-um... Mishizu, I think I'm gonna g-" 

"Woah, Kirishima's packin' much more than I thought." Mishizu said. 

"W-what?" Kaneri said blushing and stopping in her tracks. 

"Ooooo, that caught your attention." Mishizu smirked.

"You probably s-shouldn't comment t-things like tha-" 

"Why? Because they make you want to look?" Mishizu smirked. 

"N-no!" Kaneri said, covering her red tinted face. 

"...Come here." Mishizu said slowly grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the sight. 

"No.." Kaneri said, allowing herself to be dragged.

"You're barely resisting." 

"Can we pretend I am.. I wanna feel better about it.." 

"Whatever helps." Mishizu rolled her eyes. 

Kaneri shyly peeked from behind the wall. 

"Well?" Mishizu asked with a proud smile. 

"Kaneri immediately took her eyes off of the boys and covered her face, blushing intensely. 

True-Heroism 2: The Sports FestivalWhere stories live. Discover now