The Prank...

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Once Mina and Aya both arrived at the med bay, They saw that Kaneri and Kirishima were both leaving. Once they walked in, Aya lifted what was left of her PE uniform and sighed.

Not a lot of her uniform was burned, but it was certainly enough for her to not really have a reason to have it on. Even if she did, Aya would probably be burned.

"I understand that you tried your best to win, but was burning my uniform really necessary?" Aya asked, turning towards Mina, who was staring at Aya's chest. Realizing this, Aya walked towards the shorter girl and flicked her forehead, forcing Mina out of her trance.

"My eyes are up here, Pinky." Aya scowled. Mina nodded and giggled, blushing a bit while reaching up to her own ears with a goofy grin.

"Right next to your cute little ears~" The pink girl giggled, cupping her own ears as Aya groaned.

"What is with your obsession over my ears?"

"They're adorable!" Mina expressed, stepping closer to Aya, who stepped back in return.

"You're like an elf!" She continued, stepping closer to Aya, who was backed up into a wall.

"Uhm… Pinky. Back up." Aya stated, looking down at the beaming girl.

"...Yeah, I realize how close I am" Mina chuckled, backing up a bit. "But seriously… You're gorgeous."  Mina stated, staring at Aya with an ironically straight face.

Aya stared at Mina for what, in Mina's mind, felt like an eternity…

"...thanks." Aya stated, walking past Mina to find a spot to sit down, leaving Mina a little disheartened by her lack of a reaction, yet she still turned back to Aya. "Do me a favor and go grab Momo. I can't exactly leave."

As she sat down, Mina walked after her and stood in front of her, all as though she was wanting something from the winner of their previous battle.

Aya stared blankly at Mina, waiting for Mina to say something as she whistled quietly, looking away as she glanced between Aya and several other things in the room.

"...What?" Aya asked, her ears lowering a bit, catching Mina's attention as she smiled and kneeled down to Aya's seated level with a soft smile on her face.

"Can I touch your ears?" 


While Mishizu was being brought back to the med bay, the girl was shouting a mess of profanities in russian. Once she arrived at the med bay, she noticed that not only Aya, Momo, and Mina were returning to their class, with Aya being irritated by Mina's consistent pleading, all while Momo attempted to calm them both down.

Mishizu groaned and was carried into the med bay, where Recovery Girl was waiting for her, smiling softly while taking care of what was assumed to be Aya's original PE uniform.

"Looks like the acid girl did more damage than I thought.." Mishizu chuckled. "...Even if she did get stepped on."

"Hello there dear. Just sit down and I'll take care of your injuries" Recovery girl advised. Mishizu nodded and sat down, getting a gentle kiss on the cheek from the school nurse. Though she did cringe, she got it over with and returned to her class, wiping the kiss off of her cheek…

Up until she saw Aya had already returned to their class, leaving Mineta and Denki to talk with Mina and Momo...


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