Origins: Shoto Todoroki

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Bakugou was seated on a bed in the medbay. Across from him was Aya Chiaki, who was still unconscious from her bad roll. Anyone else would have recovered by now, but due to her rolling a four, she was out for far longer.

His eyes narrowed at her a bit further, knowing that she was still capable of fighting. Bakugou struggled, but stood up and walked to his past opponent, holding out his hand.

"Damn it.." He grumbled quietly, up until he heard the door open, revealing what he assumed to be Aya's friends.

"Oh. Ponytail" Bakugou remarked towards Momo, who was confused by the sudden nickname.

"Ponytail..?" She asked, reaching back to run her hand through her hair..

"Don't pay attention to him. Shouldn't you be laying down? I know you won, but-"

"I'm fine, Headphones. I was just about to leave. Take this." Bakugou groaned, tossing the dice towards Jirou, who caught the dice with a slightly offended look.

Tokoyami stepped aside to allow Bakugou to get through and return to class, leaving the friend group to try and see if their friend was okay…


From the crowd, Izuku could only let out a simple sigh in his seat. To find at least a degree of confidence, Izuku chose to try to walk and review his notes.

With Aya out of the game, the most bizzare opponent wasn't a concern. Now it was just Todoroki, and Bakugou.

Walking through the halls and reviewing his notes caused Izuku to grow narrow sighted. As he walked, he suddenly walked into Shoto Todoroki, who made him stumble back a bit and drop his notebook.

"O-Oh, Todoroki! I didn't see you there.. I-" Izuku began, but he cut himself off…

Todoroki stared at him with cold eyes.. behind them were emotions that couldn't be described. Izuku stared back. Taking his notebook while gulping a bit.

Unlike Bakugou or Aya, Todoroki had a cold, silent form of intimidation… one that silenced Izuku enough for Todoroki himself to speak up.

"... My team didn't place as high as I wanted because of Ochako's trick. I was overwhelmed. I nearly broke a promise that I made years ago." He began. His voice was almost a whispered, hushed tone that Izuku was able to pick up.

'Does.. he mean his fire..? He only used the heat to melt the ice he made.. if he used it more, he'd have a huge advantage.. but he didn't.' Izuku thought to himself.

"Kaminari, Tokoyami.. Momo, Iida, and Ochako.. None of them felt it, but in that moment.. I was the only one who could sense your true power.. how you held back. It reminded me of All Might…" Todoroki stated, raising his hand up a little towards Izuku, who watched between his fingers as his nerves continued to grow.

"Oh, yeah? Okay… Is.. that all?"

"I'm saying… The power coming from you felt the same as All Might's… Midoriya, tell me."

"...Are you All Might's secret love child or something?" Todoroki asked…

'...AM I WHAT?!' 

"Well, are you?"

"No, No way! That's not it at all. But I guess even if I was, I'd totally say I wasn't, so you probably won't believe me no matter what I say!" Izuku fumbled, scrambling over his words as Todoroki's expression remained indifferent…

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