Dodge Ball

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With the teams now formed and ready for the competition to begin, Class 1-A was in for a serious fight against not only each other, but the other classes.

This idea made some students nervous, while the thought of competing against people excited the rest.

"Now, only a few teams will be able to move on to the final event of the sports festival! For now, with your teams, you will all try your best to not only protect your teams, but also get people out! As of now, the more opponents your team gets out, the better your chances are to move on!" Midnight announced.

"For now, the first four students that have made it to the stadium will be worth the most points! Points are earned when a ball makes contact with the sensors on your body! And as for if a teammate gets hit by a ball, they are out, and unable to participate any further in the festival! You are all free to use your quirks and team! No cross teaming will be allowed. Be sure to play as effectively as possible!"


"Wait.. The top four?! Worth the most?! HELL YES!" Mishizu shouted, raising her fists up as a huge grin appeared on her face.

"Why would you celebrate that? We're targets now." Himari mumbled, turning towards Mishizu while hugging a small cloud that was created by her quirk.

"That means we can fight, and we'll be moving! We can prove to everyone that I'm awesome!" Mishizu shouted proudly, up until Aya's hand chopped her head, making Mishizu whine a bit as she rubbed her head.

"For now, You all have to think of a way to defend yourselves." Aya cut her off, narrowing her eyes a bit as Kaneri sat down and fell over, hiding in her hair again.

"But… Don't we have to work in a team?" Kaneri asked anxiously, peeking up at Aya, who held her arms behind her back.

"With whatever respect you believe is due, I don't need a team. You all can try as you may." Aya stated. Not wanting to be held back, she tried to walk away, just for Himari to reach out and grab her by the hand. Turning back, Aya narrowed her eyes a bit and looked down at the girl.

"Big Sis Aya.. I know you're strong.. but we're a team. We all have to work together. Like it or not, you're a target.." Himari stated, looking up at Aya as she let her hand go, to which the taller girl groaned, looking at the other two…

...seeing Mishizu roll Kaneri around on the floor like a child…

"...this is my team.." Aya mumbled with disappointment… "Okay. Okay.. You all will follow my lead. Fall behind, then I won't go back to save you." Aya warned, getting an annoyed look from Mishizu.

"We don't need your protection!" Mishizu shouted, tugging at Kaneri's PE uniform to get her onto her feet. "I can kick everyone's ass! Especially Kaneri and Himari's! Remember? Back at the combat training, I whooped them both."

"Your team lost that practice." Aya quipped back, rubbing the bridge of her nose as her ears lowered a bit. Mishizu grew more annoyed as Aya rolled her eyes and turned back around, facing the opposition with still narrowed eyes.


"Alright. You damn idiots follow my lead! We're going to be the champions of this game! By a LANDSLIDE!" Bakugou shouted, eyes blazing with a burning passion as his fists pounded onto Kirishima's hardened head, while the red head sighed a bit and chuckled.

"Honestly, I think our aim should just be to avoid getting caught. I mean, won't people be after us? Especially since you're worth a ton of points" Mina pointed out, raising a brow a bit as she looked amongst their opposition, waving a bit at Aya, only to be ignored as the elven girl looked away.

True-Heroism 2: The Sports FestivalWhere stories live. Discover now