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Ochako and Tokoyami both watched with dread as Izuku Midoriya, the last member of their team, was left against not just Bakugou's team, but the few people that were left after Ochako's attack..

Izuku just barely managed to dodge a ball, running in a blind panic as he tried to collect himself. As he continued sprinting, Mina and Sero tried their best to hit Izuku with several balls, only for them to barely miss.

'I.. I have no choice.. I have to..' Izuku thought to himself, preparing himself for the recoil as he prepared to flick his fingers. As he raised his hand, he readied his body as his fingers began to glow brightly…

"SMASH!" He cried, flicking his finger out, breaking it instantly as an enormous amount of force was pushed against the ice wall, shattering a large hole into it as Izuku ran through as everyone on both teams watched, struck with awe as the impact slowly died… causing several large shards of ice to come crashing down onto the the arena.

While Izuku made his escape, the teams each tried to focus on defending themselves. Some chose to defend by shielding themselves, and others chose to try and destroy the glaciers so that they may hit other teams. Regardless, the ice crashed down, either hitting students, or taking them out of the game…

Regardless, the teams that survived stood among the ice and defeated students…

Aya, Bakugou, Izuku, Todoroki. They each looked between themselves with fear. With anger. With determination and strength…

"Damn.. Okay. Here's what we can do.. I say we aim for one of the teams. Todoroki's team seems to be down a member.. They have a distinct disadvantage.. Knowing Bakugou, we can probably bet that he's going to aim for either Izuku, or Todoroki.. we're under the radar" Kaneri muttered, getting a nod from Himari as Aya clenched her fist.

"That's what I was thinking. I'm sure that Izuku would be glad to work with us. Just be careful-"

"I wanna take Sero and Bakugou down.. Now." Mishizu grumbled, gripping onto Himari's arm tightly.

"That hurts…" Himari mumbled, inching away from Mishizu as Aya sighed.

"No. We have to think this situation through. We can't just go running in without a plan. I'll attempt to secure Izuku and help him to earn his trust. Kaneri, You need to focus on defending everyone. If you can, attack with Mishizu. Himari, use your clouds to get everyone into the air." Aya demanded, taking leadership once again as Todoroki and Bakugou did the same…

As the four raced towards each other, all four suddenly stumbled a bit as a loud whistle went off…

"WHAT A CLIFFHANGER! To think, so many students were taken down so easily by Izuku's attack! THIS SPORTS FESTIVAL ONLY GETS BETTER AND BETTER!" Present Mic shouted, getting a loud cheer from everyone in the audience as Todoroki narrowed his eyes, walking away from the arena as the other teams listened to what Midnight had to add while the students that lost were escorted and carried off of the arena...

"Alright students! Not many of you are left, so let's see who gets to move on to the final event of the sports festival! The 1-on-1 combat tournament!" Midnight grinned, making the audience erupt in applause as Bakugou fell to his knees, visibly shaking in what can only be made out into pure rage…

Team Aya Chiaki

Team Katsuki Bakugou

Team Hitoshi Shinsou

Team Kyoka Jirou

Team Shoto Todoroki

Team Izuku Midoroya

True-Heroism 2: The Sports FestivalWhere stories live. Discover now