Battles and Triumph

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With the dodge ball game ending, the next part of festival began after knocking some students out of the competition, it was time for the 1-on-1 match ups. 

"Who's fighting first?" Denki asked.

"It's Himari against..Sada?" Sero said intrigued. 

"That's a weird matchup." Aya said. 

"What's Sada's quirk anyway? I mean I know he can fight in hand to hand but is that really enough to beat Himari's quirk?" Tsu wondered. 

"He can blind someone for a little bit if they look into his eyes." Mishizu informed. 

"This'll be interesting." Izuku said.


"Let's get this over with." Sada said. 

"Agreed." Himari yawned. 

As soon as Present Mic gave the signal, the fight began. 

Himari immediately sent a lightning bolt Sada's way. That of which, Sada was able to dodge. Knowing that Sada is best at martial arts, Himari tried her hardest to keep him away but to no avail. Sada moved quickly, not getting struck once. 

"How the hell is a blind guy dodging lightning?!" Denki said in awe. 

"I knew he had fast reflexes, but not lightning fast!" Izuku said.

"I know it first hand." Kaneri said. "When me and Himari fought him and Mishizu in training, Sada was extremely quick." 

"Yeah, made the job easier on me for sure." Mishizu said. 

Himari was barely able to dodge Sada's kick as sent a bolt that was once again dodged before Sada landed a punch to Himari's stomach. 

"Ugh, your moves are so predictable even I can see them coming." Sada groaned in annoyance. 

"Fine, I'll try something different." Himari said nonchalantly before she summoned a cloud over Sada's head causing golf ball sized hail to pummel him. 

While he was distracted, Himari was able hit him with a bolt. Sada fell to the ground groaning in pain but was able to get up soon. 

"So...I guess you're finally ready to-...huh?" Sada said, confused as he didn't sense Himari's presence in front of him but rather above him.

"What are you?-" 

"I give up.." Himari said, floating on a cloud above the head of Sada. 

"W-...what?" Sada said completely in shock. 

"She' up?" Momo gasped. 

"I half expected that." Aya sighed, shaking her head. 


"You win. I'm over it.." Himari yawned, ignoring the opinions of her audience, she rested her head on her cloud. "It's nap time.." 

"Are you kidding me?!" Sada yelled in disbelief. In a fit of pure anger, Sada grabbed one of the balls of hail from the ground and chucked it square at Himari's forehead earning a groan of pain from the 'sleeping beauty'. 

"You imbecile! Do you understand what's at stake here?! People are watching you as we speak that are looking to jump-start your career and you're treating it like it's nap time?!" Sada scolded.

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