Declaring War

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Sumire welcomed Shinsou back to the general studies class. What surprised the girl was that Shinsou didn't seem enraged by his loss…

"Sumire. I appreciate you cheering for me as much as you did. I can only hope that you do well in your next match." Shinsou stated, walking past her with a small smile on his face.

Sumire paused a bit and turned her back back to him, watching him walk to their class. Slowly, a small smile graced her lips as she ran after him, tackling Shinsou into a hug..



Izuku was taken by All Might to the med bay, making him a regular attendant with the amount of injuries he had sustained over the time he started being a student at UA. Ochako was there to greet him, informing him that Iida had left for some urgent family business. Nodding in understanding, Izuku looked down at his hand and sighed… taking in the sight of his two broken fingers…

While Izuku and Ochako both made their way back to their class, they saw Kyoka and Sada heading towards the arena, presumably for Jirou's fight…

Izuku and Ochako turned to each other and nodded, running ahead to their class.


"And now for the last match of the first round of the Sports Festival! We have another two students from separate courses! Sumire Ensue from General Studies, and Kyoka Jirou from the Hero Course!" Present Mic shouted, making a loud cheer erupt from the audience as the two students stepped towards the arena. Jirou tried to keep a confident look as she crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes softly.

Sumire skipped onto the arena with a soft hum, giving the audience peace signs as she smiled for any cameras recording the fight.

As her attention was finally brought to her opponent, Sumire grinned and waved.

"Hiya Kyoko! I see your quirk gives you those cool earphone jacks! Do you think you'd ever get ear piercings??" Sumire asked, attempting to start a conversation by flashing her favorite ear piercings. From the piercings, hung a small pair of red crescent moons… reminding some of the audience of a popular hero.

Jirou ignored her and sighed, preparing her earphone jacks for the fight as Sumire took a deep breath, preparing a martial arts stance as both students waited for the battle to start…


Jirou tried to extend her earphone jacks out to try and jab at her opponent, but Sumire managed to swiftly dodge both attacks, grabbing Jirou's earphone jacks into her hand as Sumire raced towards her with a determined look on her face.


While watching the fight, Shinsou felt a small smile form onto his lips, watching his friend Sumire dodge the two attacks and sent a punch towards Jirou, which was barely dodged as Sumire also dodged the two earphone jacks that tried to jab at her.

Sumire flipped back, kicking Jirou in the chin as more distance was made between them.

As Jirou stumbled back Sumire noticed Shinsou watching the battle. She smiled and waved, dodging more earphone jacks with ease as she began talking to her opponent.


"Your quirk doesn't seem so good for attacking head on. Then again, I'd guess that isn't your style" Sumire commented, punching Jirou again. As Jirou stumbled back, she panted as her eyes widened...

With Sumire jumping up, Jirou raised her arms to try and cover her head from any strike Sumire may land, only for Sumire to drop to the floor and get Jirou off her feet with a low sweep.

True-Heroism 2: The Sports FestivalWhere stories live. Discover now