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Mitch couldn't help but watch as his life long best friend and crush was cuddled up into Marks chest. Mitch remembered when he used to be the one cuddled up to Scott's chest.

He hated living alone, yes, Beau came over every once in a while but was he really happy like how Scott was with Mark? I mean, even Kirstie had her relationship. Matt had his perfect life with his perfect girlfriend and Kevin's engaged for crying out loud.

All of them were taking their careers to the next level and contributing to Pentatonix while Mitch didn't even know how he felt. He felt depressed. He felt as if the world painted him out to be this phenomenal human being but on the inside he knew he wasn't it.

He wasn't even half of what people expected him to be and he hated that. He wanted to be that 19 year old boy on that Sing off stage again just doing what he loved with his four best friends.

If he had another chance he would do it all over, maybe he would do things different, maybe just maybe he would be given another chance.

He just wanted to go back in time.

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