Chapter 10: Mary and Charlie Bond

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Meanwhile, the black orphans were sitting around, waiting and fearful of what was happening in the cellar. Regina was still sitting with Akela, trying not to think the worst. Gina had known Mary ever since she was young. She practically raised her since she was the oldest. She wouldn't know what to do if the Fletchers killed her. She didn't want to think of the worst case scenario, but she couldn't help it. Mary has to be alive. Suddenly, Mary and Charlie were rushed into the room.

"Mary!" Regina ran toward Mary and embraced her. The kids exclaimed in delight and relief as they hugged her.

"We thought we lost you," said Akela.

"We're glad you're okay," Jaliya cried.

"You guys are not gonna believe this. Those boxes that came today? They bought an electric chair!" The kids gasped and exclaimed in horror. "But it's alright now. Me and Charlie sabotaged the chair and bought us some time. And as long as that machine is out, we'll be able to get out of here in time. So, don't worry. Everything will be fine."

While the kids were talking and clamoring, Charlie snuck out of the room. He headed upstairs towards the white orphans bedroom when he heard:


He turned around to see Cato standing at the steps. "Alright, pops. What did I do now?"

"It's not about what you's about what I did."

"....excuse me?"

"Charlie...after what happened tonight, I...I realized that I misjudged you. You have a good heart and soul, Charlie...and you have proven that today. Can you accept a negro's apologies?"

Charlie didn't know what to say. He just smiled and replied: " long as you stop calling me 'Yankee'." They both laugh and shook hands.

"Well, I better let you get your rest. Long day of work tomorrow. And I'll be waiting on your escape plan with great anticipation." He walks back to the bedroom.

"You and me both, pops."

Later on, while everyone was asleep, Charlie was outside, sitting on the playground steps and thinking about what happened tonight. Then, he heard the door open behind him.

"Who's that??"

"Calm down, hero. It's just me."

Charlie relaxed when he saw Mary. "Sorry. I thought you were...nothing. I'll just go inside."

"No. No, you can stay. I just came out to say thank you."

"Oh, that? I was're welcome."

Mary then realized something. "Oh no. Charlie, you saved me. They murder whites who help blacks down here."

"Guess that's a risk I'll have to take."

"No, you don't understand. They will kill you."

"I don't see what the big deal is. The Fletchers could have barbecued you. Plus, I care about you."

"You do?"

"Yeah. You are, like, my first friend."


"Yeah. I never had any friends in New York. Matter of fact...I never had a family either. It was just my father and me. We owned a farm near Fulton."

"What about your mom?"

"She died during childbirth. So, I never got to know her. My father stayed a widow until he remarried. My stepmom was really mean. She didn't think I was a perfect fit for the family. So, she hired a couple of guys and sent me here...and my father, he...just let it happened." Mary just gazed at him, listening sadly. "My first day here, it was different. I didn't fit in. The other white children would call me a yank and pick on me for being a "nigger lover." One thing I didn't get is that they hated you guys for no reason. Every day, I think about whether or not my father regretted what happened. I'm not sure if he even cares..."

"Charlie...I didn't have a family either. My mom was my age when she had me."

"What happened?"

Holding back tears, she calmly said: "...she was raped by a white man. She used to be an orphan here when it night, she decided to escape the orphanage and leave me here with a note and this bracelet...I never saw her again. Regina ended up taking care of me since she was the oldest. Akela knitted my clothes. Cato and Leon made sure there was enough heat in the furnace for me. That's why me and my friends have to escape. They're the only family I have, and I don't want them to suffer like my mom did...I love them so much."

"...I think you're doing a great job helping them, Mary."

Mary was able to make a small smile. The two kids didn't know what to say after that. Mary looks up to the North Star and says: "You know...every night, it seems that star is shining brighter than ever." Then, she laid her hand on Charlie's bandaged arm. He looks down and gazes up at Mary, smiling warmly. Suddenly, he catches her off guard by kissing her on the cheek. She was shocked but didn't respond. "Um...I better go back inside before..."

"Yeah, okay."

"See you tomorrow."

"You too." Mary starts to walk up the steps when Charlie says: "Good night...Mary."

Once inside, Mary walked to the bedroom and smiled as she thought about the kiss. Outside, Charlie continued to sit on the steps and gazed at the North Star for a while.

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