The beginning

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y/n = your name
L/n = last name
C/n = clan name
f/f = favorite food
f/c = favorite color
e/c = eye color
h/c = hair color
s/c = skin color


"It's like you're not even fucking trying Y/N." My mother said as I rested on my knees.

"Get up. And fight me. You're a C/n get it together." She said pulling me up by my shirt. I just groaned because this bitch trains me to the ground everyday.

"Okay I'm up.. but can you actually throw a real  punch those are fucking weak." I said with a cheeky smile knowing that was almost her full strength.

She stared at me like the big ass vein on her forehead was about to pop. I laughed internally knowing she was about to make her move. She threw a punch at me and I dodged swiftly still keeping my eye on her she kicked with her left leg and I grabbed it, then she quickly tries kicking with her right leg. I don't understand why she uses the same moves because they're so easy to read. As she was using that right leg to try and kick i drop her leg and block the kicked that was headed to my left side with my left arm. While that was happening I grabbed three shurikens with my right arm and threw them at her. Of course she dodged. So I did 3 back handsprings away from her and then I started weaving signs.

"Wind style: Tornado blitz!" I smirked as I yelled out my newly created made Justu. My mother dropped a sweat drop and she watched multiple tornadoes surround her and screw up her garden.

Oh shit. Her chakra starting to show around her.. its usually green but its red now.

"Did I piss Mika off today." I said smirking.

She tried to lunge at me which wasn't smart because the tornadoes are somewhat of a security guard for me. For some reason I knew something was off with my mom. I don't really like her or my dad but she doesn't make dumb ass decisions like this. I release my justu as my mom was still charging me. She approached and tried to fight me close combat. Me and her were neck and neck when it came down to close combat. I restraint my mom with my chakra which is super powerful compared to hers (thanks dad.)

I looked in her eyes and I could tell there was something on her mind. "What the hell is it." I asked her staring and keeping my stoic facial expression. Her expression changed to a calm one a slight sign of guilt showed on her face but she hides it well.

"It's nothing, and stop using the damn tone and language with me." She said a bit too angrily for my liking.

"You can't hide shit from me you know. Tell me." I spoke in a monotone voice.

"To be 19 way you're too damn smart compared to others." She scoffs rolling her eyes.

"All because I had you and Ciel as parents." I smiled and spoke sarcastically.

"You have a brother." she said not making eye contact with me. I stared trying to process what this bitch had told me.

"I.. have a brother?" I spoke and my voice cracked.

"Yes... his name is Kenji." She kept speaking as it everything were okay.

"How old." I became more furious by the second. She stared at me with slight fear in her eyes because my eyes had probably turned a yellow/ golden color.

"HOW OLD IS HE, ARE YOU GONNA STARE LIKE THE PIECE OF SHIT YOU KNOW YOU ARE. OR ARE YOU GOING TO TELL ME." I screamed at her as I pulled out my kunai and held it at her throat.

"H-he's 21." She said shakily. I raised the kunai to her eye as I breathed heavily. I chuckled a bit. This whole time I had a brother.

"Where is he. Why the hell didn't you tell me." I said shaking furiously but keeping my cool.

"He's in the Leaf Village. And I didn't tell you because he's not your father's child." She said starting to relax. I paused and looked at her.

"So you're telling me you were being a HOE TOO?" I started laughing. She started to shiver under me. I looked at her which made me realize how much I suffered thinking I was alone and this shit show of my life was going to last forever. But I have a brother out there a BIG brother. I honestly feel happy but I want to meet him. I get out of my thoughts and start looking at her shitty face as she smiled softly. She tilted her head and said,

"I'm sorry baby I know we've tortured and built you to be-"

I cut her ear off faster than she could finish her shitty ass apology. I watched as she screamed in agony and laughing because of how much of a weak ass assassin she is. My dad came running outside and tackled and pulled me off of her.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING." He yelled angrily as he backhanded me.

"DID YOU KNOW YOUR BITCH HAS A SON. HUH? CIEL? DID YOU KNOW CIEL? BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT." I laughed maniacally as he sat on my back with my wrists behind me in his large hands. He released his grip. And got me up. He then turned to her calmly but knowing this son of a bitch he was angry as hell. He sat down in the grass and smiled to himself.

"How old is he." He said playing with the fallen cherry blossom on the ground.

She shook in fear as she stared at him. I just stared at the both of them as the shit show was about to unravel.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." He said almost to a whisper. He looked up with his brown eyes glowing yellow/ golden. I started walking in the house.

I started to pack my important shit because I was going to dip. I wanted to find my big brother. I WAS going to find him. I heard them yelling, loud sounds and some more shit. They were probably fighting but that shit has nothing to do with me.

I changed my outfit into a all black romper. Something comfortable to move around in, especially in case I have to defend myself from creeps. Damn man, life as a woman.

I decided I'd write them a letter because I'm nice and hell.. maybe they needed a farewell and something to remember me from even if they find me I'm sure I'll be able to take them on. I took off and headed to my destination.

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