Chapter 2

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After bringing Mori to Ozpin's office, team RWBY and JNPR explained how he got here.

(Mori's POV)

Ozpin: You girls mean to tell me that you found this individual sleeping on top of the rooftop of your dorm and no one has any recollection or clue as to who he is?

Weiss: Yes sir.

Ruby: Umm, when we opened the door to the rooftop, he was just laying there sleeping and snoring away, though I don't think he's all that dangerous.

Weiss: Ruby! Shut Up, we're in front of the headmaster, so don't say something so irresponsible!

Ruby: Tch.

Weiss: 'This little brat!'

Ozpin: Did he resist your arrest?

Blake: He actually did not.

Yang: he actually went along with us with a smile on his face, with that exact same smile.

They all turn to Mori, who's looking around the office in curiosity.

'This place looks gnarly, are those cogs?'

He finally notices their looks and he does the only thing he can think of.

"I am not a suspicious person. (Smiles)"

'Grandpa always told me to be honest. Be honest and do what you want. As long as it doesn't give other people any hardships.'

Weiss: Ugh...

Yang: Only a suspicious person would say that.

Nora: I can vouch for him Professor!

Ren: Nora... (Facepalm)

Pyrrha: Umm, you can ignore her Professor.

Seemingly amsued, Ozpin leans forward to face Nora.

Ozpin: What makes you say that Ms. Valkyrie.

Nora: Uhh, his face looks very honest.

While everyone else is internally face-palming, Ozpin is the only one who doesn't react in the same fashion.

Ozpin: I see, so Jin Mori is your name? Sorry if I'm mispronouncing it, do you know where you are?

"Beacon Academy."

'That's easy, the cat-girl told me earlier.'

Ozpin: And what exactly is Beacon Academy?

"A school?"

'That's what academy means, another easy one!'

Ozpin: And what does a school teach?


Mori's face turns visibly nervous.



'All schools teach math right?'

From the sideline Ruby tries to repress her laughter, much to the dismay of Weiss.

'Huh? Why is she laughing? Did I do something wrong? Does Math not exist in this world?'


Ruby snorts even louder this time.









Ruby: (Laughs) I can't take it anymore! He's just too funny! I mean, look at his face!

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