Ch.1 Dragon meteors

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"hey you guys ready for the meteor shower tonight?" Stealth elf asked "am i ever...i've been waiting for this for forever" cynder said "but tonight is also a blood moon...this is going to be really interesting" Spyro said "yeah...but we should watch out for stray meteors" cynder said "good evening master ready for the meteor shower tonight?" Jet-vac asked "indeed i am jet-vac...something tells me that some thing bad might happen though...but i'm not sure what exactly" eon said

*later that night all the skylanders got ready for the meteor shower*

"this is going to be amazing" spyro said "yeah this is going to be wicked" stealth elf said before the meteor shower began just as the blood moon was happening as all the skylanders and doom raiders in a nearby forest gazed in awe only for a meteor to fall out of the sky and land where the doom raiders where at "what the heck is that?" Golden queen asked seeing the meteor coming closer "everybody move!" Chef pepper jack said before they all moved out of the way before the meteor crashed in the forest while another meteor crashed on one of the islands in skylands "what the?" Cynder said before going to check out the meteor only to find out that it wasn't a meteor...but rather a baby dragon that was inside the meteor "guys...this isn't a meteor..." cynder said before the meteor shower and blood moon went away "what is it cynder?" hex asked "it's..a baby dragon" cynder said before the baby dragon started to open it's eyes and look at cynder "i think you might want to move out of the way cynder" spyro said "why it's just looking at me" cynder said before the baby dragon held it's claws out to her "what's it doing now?"  cynder asked "i think it imprinted on you cynder" eon said "it did what now?" cynder asked before eon explained " it thinks i'm it's mother?" cynder asked "yep" hex said "well...this is going to be chaotic" spyro said "i don't think so..." cynder said before all the dragon skylanders heard a heart beat "did you guys hear that?" cynder asked "no...we didn't eruptor said "i did...there might be another baby dragon..." spyro said "it came from the falling forest...lets go" spyro said before they went to the falling forest to find the other meteor but they had no luck finding it before they all heard a faint heart beat and followed it and then they was able to find the meteor and they heard the heart beat from inside the meteor before cynder opened up to reveal another baby dragon "hey there little fella..." cynder said before the baby dragon opened it's eye and saw cynder "you sure you wanna raise both of those baby dragons cynder?" spyro said "of course...even though i was raised to be a harbinger of evil you did help me find the goodness inside of me spyro...and i think that these two little loveys would make excellent skylands" Cynder said "i think they will two...but the fact that these two came from the meteor shower is rather...weird" Roller Brawl said before they all heard the heart beat simultaneously from both baby dragons "they're twins...that share the same heart beat" cynder said "more like fraternal twins" funny bone said "what makes you think their fraternal twins?" cynder asked "one of them is slight bigger than the other" eruptor said "he has a point there of them is bigger than the other" stealth elf said "what are you going to name them?" eon asked "they already have names..." cynder said before revealing the tag on both the meteors "the one i found first was tagged imo...and the second one was tagged Ashra" Cynder said before i cooed at her "heh..." cynder said before booping my nose causing me to sneeze a bit "bless you little one" master eon said "they're both adorable" stealth elf said "that they are...i just need something for the two of them to sleep in" cynder said "i think i might have something that can help with that" sprocket said "how so?" cynder said "i made some things for the both of them..." sprocket said before showing cynder the mini nests she made for the two baby dragons "how cute..." Cynder said before setting the baby dragons in their nests "i know these two will make great skylanders in the future" spyro said "your only saying that because their dragons spyro" stealth elf said "no i genuinely mean that" spyro said "that they will" eon said before everyone then went back to their dorms "good night little ones" cynder said to the two of us before she fell asleep around us

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