Tricks of Destiny

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 The answer shattered Clara who trusted her father blindly

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 The answer shattered Clara who trusted her father blindly.. Her life was a lie.. Minutes back she found out her mother wanted to gamble her away and now her father wanted to-----

Her father the man who was supposed to love her wanted to marry her to a womanizer for whom woman were nothing but toys to play with, possession to show off, a comment to go viral....


My life may have crumbled to prices but not me, I'm still the princess of London and Still shall everyone bow to me..

That when I heard a voice, the voice of ruining my life, the voice of my wretched mother...  "Dear, I know it hurts you but come with me, I'll take you to bliss and we shall rule together" 

 "Stop it wretched woman, my life is ruined but not me, my spine is strong" Clara yelled again, her throat felt sore but her spine felt strong.

 "Guards, arrest and murder this proudy princess who doesn't know how to behave with the queen" Her mother's voice boomed sending shivers down everyone's spine, scared to revolt they came near her with daggers and chains.....

My eyes saw two options, closing into forever darkness or let my feet carry me wherever my destiny is... 

Closing my eyes I ran as I could feel my cheeks wet, tears streaming down, after all, why not? My father pretended to love me but he was no less than my mom who wanted to gamble me away, he wanted to marry me to a womanizer... Was this what I am to them?

I had no idea when I reach the big ben, my breath heaving, my feet bleeding, after all I was running for so long, I had never ran,hell I always walked on silken carpets and rose petals.

My feet refused to walk another step, as I collapsed to my knees. My gown was spread out as people exclaimed that I looked like a angel on earth, but that hardly mattered.... 

Forcing myself on my feet which I regretted the very next moment. I raised my hand to silence them as there's words escaped my mouth "Alone time" ....

The admirers left the very moment as they were still scared of me, thanks my life was still like a princess...... 

I looked around to see creepy wines and long trees as shivers sent down my spine, I looked up to the big Ben as was it was almost midnight... A few minutes... The matter was...

Suddenly, there was a loud bang and the clock has struck twelve, I leaned on the big Ben when something pushed me away...

A mist, a strange smoke surrounded me as I felt a new sense of relief and HOPE... What trick is my destiny playing now was all that wondered in my mind...


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Any guess what is gonna happen or what is that mist? Comment  your opinion in the comment section

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