Chapter 12

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Author's Pov

After the incident in the guest room, Patricia was left fuming in rage. She had locked her door and blocked it with a chair. With pepper spray and cricket bat by her side, she was ready to beat her guest mercilessly if he dared to enter her room. But amidst this entire visualisation of fake scenarios, there was one memory she couldn't get rid of.

The physical closeness between them. The tension it created. The way she was drawn towards him. The feeling was like that of a live wire. Any physical contact will lead to a terrible electric shock. It was almost annoying. She cursed herself for being so shallow. Falling for a guy just because he looked good. How could she!

"No No No!", she cribbed, shaking her head to get rid of any kind thought regarding him.

She hated the fact that she almost had thoughts of kissing him when he was so close to her. She cursed her lust. Why couldn't she control it?

"Stay strong Patty, you aren't a girl who can be played like that. Let him flirt all he wants, you stay strong and ignore him. He will lose his interest eventually when he realises you don't care about him. That's literally what all men do", she told herself as she lied down on the bed to get a good night's rest.

If only she could fall asleep the minute her head touched the soft pillow.

But that didn't happen. Tossing and turning in bed she could barely fall asleep. Her mind was restless, repeating all the events that happened that day since morning even creating fake scenarios where she comes face to face with the murderer and kills him. She is hailed the saviour of Munnar and Detective Arjun is hailed the useless detective who didn't do shit.

"Oo, that would be so awesome", she gleamed. She had no idea what the future had in store for her.

Ring Ring!

The landline phone broke the eerie silence in the house. It was 2 A.M. Who would call her at this hour. Tying her night robe around her waist, she headed downstairs towards the phone which was situated in the drawing hall. Its ring tone echoed through the corridors. Patricia was impressed by how the detective didn't come out. He was probably a heavy sleeper.

Picking up the phone, she answered "Fernandez resida-"

"Patricia!", a voice screamed. It was Vinesh.

"Vinesh! What's wrong? Why are you calling at this hour?", Patricia bombarded him with questions, she was worried about him. She was confused as she could hear him sniffling through the speaker.

"Help!", he cried. "It got detective....", he was barely making coherent sentences.

"Got whom! Vinesh calm down!", Patricia panicked, this sudden outburst and cries were scaring her.

"Neethu! It killed Neethu! Please help! And it's here!", Vinesh cried.

That name, that sentence, it hit her like an electric bolt. Patricia fell to the ground, shivering in fear. But she had no time to lose.

Get a hold of yourself! Call the detective!

And in a split second, she started running up the stairs, almost tripping because of her night robe.

"Arjun!", she screeched. And finally, when she reached the guest room she started banging her palms on the door.

A drowsy and grumpy detective opened the door with ruffled hair and hooded eyes.

"It's fricking 2 A.M, what the hell is wron-"

"Neethu! The serial killer killed Neethu!", Patricia sobbed. "It's still there!"

Arjun's entire personality changed in seconds. His drowsy eyes turned vicious and dangerous. He was as stoic as ever. Grabbing the gun that was at arm's length he said "Take me to their house, NOW!"

Patricia nodded and both ran out of the cottage.

Patricia was shivering, she was weeping. The moon gave enough light for them to see their path but her tears blurred her view. She even tripped twice only for the detective to catch hold of her. But she didn't stop. She kept on running. Her heart rate increased as they neared their destination.

Finally, they reached the house. It was as dark and quiet as ever.

Arjun stood in front of Patricia pointing his gun towards the main door. It was not locked.

"Stay behind me, stay quiet", he whispered. Patricia nodded as she hid behind him like a scared cat.

Carefully, he pushed the door with his free hand and then held his gun again with both hands to stay stable. The door slowly creaked open. Walking inside with sure and steady steps he moved towards the walls looking for the switch of the room pointing his gun towards the dark void. Patricia stayed behind him but her eyes were searching for Vinesh and in the back of her mind, only one question was troubling her.

Where was Neethu?

She knew Neethu was dead, but she was not ready to accept it.

Arjun finally found the switchboard. After clicking on random switches, he finally found the correct one and switched it on. The tube light attacked them with a bright white light that almost blinded them.


Let's say Patricia wasn't ready for what they were about to see next. For there lay the body of Neethu. At the sight of her dear caretaker, Patricia let out a scream of horror.

The sight was unbearable for her. Neethu laid on the floor with big lifeless eyes wide open staring at the ceiling. Her mouth was open with blood oozing out of it. Blood was in fact everywhere. It was coming out of her mouth. She was lying in a pool of blood. But the worst thing Patricia noticed was the blood squirting out of her neck as if a fine slice had been made through her neck.

Patrica fell to the ground shivering and crying at the sight. Her eyes remained on Neethu.

"Don't look at her, look at me", Arjun said as he kneeled and blocked Patricia's vision so that her focus would be on him now. "Now listen carefully. I need you to get a hold of yourself. We need to find Vinesh. His life might be in danger too"

" just ly-lying over there", Patricia trembled with her eyes wide open. Her pupils had dilated and she was in shock.

"I know, I know, but Vinesh isn't so we need to find him and get him to safety"

Patricia nodded but she was still in shock. He held her arms and picked her up to help her stand. They moved out of the living room where Neethu lay. Arjun saw to it he blocked the view from Patricia as he walked with her. He was alert and pointed his gun towards different directions as well for example towards hallways and half-open doors.

"Vinesh! It's Detective Malhotra! Where are you?", Arjun called out.

"Here", said a weak and trembling voice. The voice came from some kind of storeroom. They stood outside the storeroom peering inside with caution. A weary and teary faced person came out.

It was Vinesh. And he looked like he had come face to face with the devil himself. 

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