Unqui finds

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A/n:hi there as I said before I DO NOT write smut/lemon/lime for any creepypasta and I mean that so don't request that. But you can request x readers and a ship too have I do not hate on any ships have a lovely day and enjoy

Y/n's POV: I walked down the streets of my town. I had grown up here my whole life, it only made sense that I stayed here. I was a small manga artist for a friend. I meet them back in elementary school. They wrote the story/plot and I drew everything up. It was nice we had a lovely little business going. I lived in a two story house with my friend though they were hardly and I mean hardly ever there. I walked into the small antique store. "Good afternoon miss." "Afternoon. What're you looking for today?" "I don't know. I'm just looking for now if I find anything I'll let you know." "Alright. Oh before you go off we did get new dolls if you'd like to take a look." I thought for a moment. "If I do I'll let you know." With that I began my search.

I just kinda looked around. I was always interested in creepy/haunted things. She often has thing that were supposedly haunted. I never bought any because I didn't believe it.

While looking I came across a stuffed rabbit. It was a beautiful cream color and seemed hand stitched and made. It had very long sleeves that were a baby blue like color and white striped. The inner ears were black with all sorts of colored polka dots. It was in amazing condition no dust or stains. It was adorable. I grabbed the bunny. 'This is adorable.' I smiled to myself. I looked around some more. I found nothing and went to check out.

"Hey." "Where'd you find that?" "It was On The back wall. Got anything haunted today?" She gave a small chuckle. "Well there's a few things but one really made me think you'd want it." She pulled out a black and white jack in a box. I looked at it. It was black and white with small clown figures running around the top part. There's was some red on it but I had no idea what it was. It was really old but in good condition as well. "So what do you say? There was a note with it that I think you should have as well." I smiled and pulled out some more money. "Sure I'll take it." "Righty then. Well have a good day." "Yes you too."

I walked back out into the chilly fall weather. I had the jack in a box in a bad scared that I'd end up dropping and breaking it. I carried the bunny, I held it close to my chest. "Man I really should have took my car." Sighing I continued walking home picking my pace up since I felt watched.


I arrived home and unlocked the door. "Hey
f/n you home?!" (F/n=friends name) "Yeah I'm home. I'm might head out later." She said from the kitchen. I sat the bag on the island and the stuffed rabbit down as well. "Ooo what'd you get this time?" "A stuffed rabbit and a jack in a box. It's supposed to be haunted. It definitely is giving me those vibes." "Well come in let me see." I grabbed the box from the bag. I took a closer look at it. I had noticed it read 'Laughing Jack In a Box' "Huh that's odd." "What?" I showed her the side that read it. "Oh it's whatever." Her phone began reading. "Oh shit I have to go. Hey thank for the help for this volume by the way the publisher loved it." "Huh no problem now get going."

She ran out of the door. Sighing I looked at the note.

(The note)

Dear, whoever is reading this,
You mustn't open the box no matter what! That demon it'll...it'll kill you! I lost my whole family because of him. His name is Laughing Jack. He'll pretend to be your friend, but don't believe him he's a manipulator and is amazing at acting he won't hesitate to kill you and your family. I would know. How ever if you do open the box you have just released a demon soon yourself and anyone who live with you. Don't take any candy he offers it poisoned. DONT OPEN THE BOX!!!!

I put the note down and thought. "Laughing Jack. Hm what an odd name. But if the note is telling the truth how come they didn't die?" I looked at the clock and saw it was getting late. "I don't know, it's late and I need sleep." I left everything on the island and went to my room and changed then went to bed.

Little did I know I was being watched

The toy maker +Jason the toymaker x reader+Where stories live. Discover now