Little run away

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A/n: honestly Jason is my favorite Creepypasta

Y/n's POV: 'How odd, she's a perfect friend or companion for Laughing Jack.' I thought as I turned to my desk. There was a note, and the wind up mouse. I hadn't seen the mouse in a few days. "Hey there little mouse...I don't know what to call you." I just simply moved off my desk with a small *thud* I sighed and grabbed the note.

(The note)

You needn't fear me friend. I'm so terribly sorry I didn't come and visit, I had something to take care of. LJ and his friends make me out to be a terrible monster but I'm not. I'm more normal than any of them. I'm glad you enjoy your dolls.
Till next time,
Your best friend.

Y/n' POV: It was odd. He/she/they never left their name. I pinned the note on my wall and began my schoolwork.


Hands...I always struggled drawing them. "God damnit!" *knock knock* "Y/n? Are you alright, you keep yelling." "I'm fine Jack." I remembered the note, that it said they make them out to be a monster. "Hey Jack? Can you come here?" Without a word my door burst open scatting me and making me jump. "You called." I sighed. I turned around in my chair. "Uh yeah. I got a note from my....friend. They said they you guys make them out to be a monster. Is this true?" "Monster, no. Prick, yes.  He's not as nice as he seems. A manipulator." "Thats What Candy Cane said about you, who can I trust." He laughed. "No one! You can't trust any of us! After all..." He was quiet. He tilted his head to the side and gave a creepy smile. "We're killers." He gave a sicking laugh.

"T-then why are y-you here?" "Because...." He never fully answered the question. "Are you having trouble with your work." "Um yeah." He snapped his fingers and there seemed to be an almost perfect hand drawn in the paper. I looked in amazement. "D-did you do that?!" "Sure did." I hug him without a second thought. "Thank you so much." I was always a bit childish for my age. I let go and pushed him out of my room. Well attempted anyway. He ended up walking out himself.

Looking at the time I had realized how late it had gotten.

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Once dressed I went downstairs to make me some dinner

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Once dressed I went downstairs to make me some dinner. But when I arrived downstairs it was a gruesome sight.

"Wh-What the hell?!" It was the neighborhood drug dealer in my living room dead. Sure I mean he was a drug dealer but there was a dead person in my house?! "What did you know them?" "N-no! But that's a dead person in my house you idiot! That's going to stain." I shrunk down into a ball and began going into a panic attack. I suffered from theses since the eighth grade. "What's wrong with her?" "Jill are you that dumb? She's having a panic attack." "Guess she's never seen a dead body before." "Guess so CP." I started crying.

They all just whispered amount themselves. "I guess I can leave her to him..." "It'll be fine Jacky. You can always find another victim." I looked up fear and panic in my eyes. "Were you going to kill me?!" I didn't have neighbors those houses were empty. "Yeah." I crawled up my stairs and into my bed holding the stuffed bunny close to my chest. I had been sleeping with it every night since I had gotten it for the shop. I ended up falling asleep, feel asleep crying.

Jason's POV: I watched as the girl fallen asleep Mr.bunny in her arms. (I'm just going to call the stuffed bunny that if it's wrong oh well)

"What happened. Well I guess it couldn't hurt to go and talk to those idiots." I watched as my door started appearing in the wall of her living room. "God damn why does he decide to make his entrance now." I opened the door and walked out. "What did you guys do." "What do you mean?" "We did nothing." "Nothing to see here." Jill and Candy Cane were silent. That's how they were when in trouble they were quiet.

"Hi Jason." Was all I got. "She was fine when she cane down stairs. I walked away for a few minutes and then I see her crying in bed." "Jack and CP killed a drug dealer in her living room!" "Jill what the fuck?!" "Come on!" "..." "I swear to Zalgo if any harm came to her you both will be paying the price."

I walked up to her room and knocked on the door. It was silent. 'She must still be sleeping.' "What are you doing?" "Checking on her." I opened the door. Her window was open and she was gone. I turned to face the monochrome clown. "Care to explain?" "I don't know." "Jack your a  fucking idiot, you know that right?" "How He hell is this my problem?!" I walked down the stairs. "Ok she ran away. Anyone know where she could have gone?" "She had this friend. F/n she's not here often." "She live near here?" "They live together that's the thing." I got angry by the second. My skin started rotting and my eyes started to go white with the tint of green. "Find her damnit!"

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