Y/n the badass

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A/n: ✨D e a d✨

Y/n's POV: In the morning when au woke up I didn't even want to wake up let along get out of bed. After remembering my shitty day yesterday did I even want to know what today had in store for me. I pulled myself out of bed one of my many ✨fluffy/fuzzy✨ blankets wrapped around me. I walked into the hall and to my make my precenes known. "UGH!!!! I hate today!" I heard whispers and giggles. But the giggles were there only when I was being over dramatic they had quickly ended. I walked into the living.

I rubbed my eyes, when I opened them I got the ✨ "best" ✨ thing to wake up too. Three more people in my house. But they were normal...ish looking. "Who the hell are you? Hold on. JACK!!" His sick and disgusting laugh could be heard through out my house. "GET YOUR CLOWN ASS OUT HERE! TODYA IS ALREAY SHIT AND IM NOT DEALING WITH YOUR BULLSHIT!" "Someone's ballsy today." "Someone's also in a shitty mood, a great amount of pain, lacking sleep, and a fucking energy drink! Know who the hell are these people in my house!"

They each had something covering their face. The one had a white mask, the one a black ski mask, the other goggles and a mask. I didn't pay too much attention to detail. I just woke up what do you except me to do. "You don't need to worry about them." "Ok hi have we met?! Your a fucking murder your friends are murders I'm pretty fucking sure Jasons a murder! If you know these people I think I should be worried, SINCE THEIR IN MY HOUSE!" "Calm down." "No I will not calm down! I don't need to calm down! I need answers! Who are these people and why are they here!?" 

"Well they are more than vapor of introducing themselves." "Why are they here!" I said while trying not to grind my teeth. "That's none of your concern." I kicked the clown in his knee cap. "Fucking pennywise regret." I opened my fridge and grabbed a monster. "You three names and why are you here. I many be short but mind you I can use many things as a weapon and I'm not scared to put up a fight." "Too bold and your not threatening." "She looks like a kid." "Probably is a kid." I crashed the Can in my hand. Sure monster wine t everywhere but I didn't care because it still would have went to the same place....at the white masked mans forehead.

*tink* If I could see his face I'm pretty sure he'd look pissed. "Did...did you throw that." "Yes. And for your information I'm 25! Now who are you." "I'm not saving her." "Momma raised a dumbass not a stupid person." "Bye." *poof* The masked man pulled a crowbar from behind his back. 'Shit...I fucked up.' If it wasn't for the sound of a door opening I think I probably be back at the hospital....or you know.......✨d e a d✨ "What's with all the yelling." Jason looked towards the kitchen and saw the man with the browbar raised about to hit me, But was to business paying attention to the sudden noise and me in the kitchen.

I kicked him in.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................the balls.

He clearly hurt and I clearly ran to my room as fast as my short legs would take me. "Masky! Are you ok?!" 'At least I know one of their names.' "Fucking bitch!" "And I'm proud of it!" "And I'm glad I killed your parents!" I didn't turn around, he could be lying. I ran into my room and shut and locked the door. I went to the safe I have in my closet and began unlocking it. "That took guts." "Jason? When did you get here?" "My door." "But I thought it was in the living room." The safe unlocked and I took out my gun. "Do you really need that." "Bitch comes near me again yes. Oh thank you for distracting him."

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