Stupid girl

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A/n:....hi I don't know

Jason's POV: "stupid girl." She wasn't like my other victims I normally target children their easier to lie to and to manipulate. But she also had that damn box. "Damn clown." Hated him to say the least Jack was annoying and acted dumb. (Not sure if that's true please don't come at me I'm just writing what come to my head!!)

I heard that god awful laughter come closer to me. "What do you want." "Nothing...." "I'm not idiot what do you want." "Just seems we have the same target." He lot out another sivkin small laugh. "I couldn't care. Leave this to me." "Only if she's leave the box alone." God damnit I hope she leave his damn box alone. "Liquorice go and watch the girl. Make sure she doesn't go near the box try not to get caught." I hated leaving the wind up mouse but it seemed necessary in this moment. I wouldn't NOT lose a victim to that damned clown.

Y/n's POV: I woke up in the moring feeling tired probably due to the fact I kept waking up during the night hearing some noise from the house. I got out of bed and went downstairs.

Yawning I stared the coffee pot up. "God damn I'm tired." I complied to my hat I assumed was myself. The house was silent meaning any and all noise made near by I would hear. I heard a small bumping noise. "Ek!" I looked around and saw no one. Odd. The coffee was done. I made me a cup only to feel as if someone poked me. I dropped my cup on the ground causing it to shatter. "Damnit!" Sighing I dried up any and all coffee and swept up the glass. My right foot burned but nothing to serious. "What's wrong with me this morning." I could have sworn I heard a laugh a sucking nasty laugh. Shivers went down my spine.

Sighing I sat down on the couch. "What to do?" I heard a another small bump sound. This time I got up and began looking around. I found it a wind up mouse. All black with red eyes. "How odd?" I picked it up and put it on the counter dismissing it. "It's a whatever." I went up to my room and changed.

I went back downstairs

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I went back downstairs. I graded a monster from the fridge and drank it. "At least this won't burn me if I drop it." I joked to my self. I turned back to the counter I wanted to check the note one more time before deciding if I opened the box or not. The wind up mouse was gone. "What the actual fuck?! Where'd it go?" I was genuinely confused. "Eh whatever." I went to look for the note but it was gone. "Where did it go? Come on. I can already tell this is going to be a horrible day." I grabbed the box and went to the living room.

"Let's see what happens." *bump* I loked at my foot and saw the mouse again. I set the box down and kneeled down to the ground. "You seem to have a mind of your own." I let out a giggle. It began moving. "Where are you going?" It hit the bottom stair and turned towards me. "So you want to go upstairs?" I picked it up and walked up the stairs and then set it down. It went down the hall. "Wait up." I followed the mouse as it went into my room. It stopped once in my room. On the my desk that sat in front of my window. Was a doll. A beautiful doll. "That what you wanted to show me?" The mouse just left my room. I walked over to the doll. It had a tag hanging around her neck on a string. I lifted the string off her neck it read.

To: y/n l/n
From:your new friend

That was odd. I picked the doll up. She had beautiful medium length hair. It was blond and curly. She had emerald green eyes that shined like they were real. She had a blue and white dress on. She had a flower crown as well. She wore some black flats on. And a smile. "Woah, she's so pretty." I had a huge smile on my face. "T-thank you." I had no clue if my 'new friend' could hear me but I figured it would be polite and thank them either way. I placed her on a shelf I had that was empty. I walked out of my room and downstairs again.

I smiled for awhile till my attention came back to the j-no Laughing Jack in a box. "What did the note call this said demon." I thought for a moment before it came to my head. "Oh yeah. Laughing Jack. Still an odd name but might as well see if it's true or not." Death, something I never feared. I was ok if I ended up dying. I grabbed the box. I sat down in the couch and grabbed the handle. I turned the crank. A very sick and messed up version of pop goes the weasel played. It gave me the chills. There was a horrid smell coming from the box. How hadn't I noticed it before. "Pop goes the wea-" the music box tried saying but it seemed broke and stoped before finishing weasel. The lip popped open but nothing came out. Not even dust. "Huh, how odd." I set the box on the table unaware of what I had just done.

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