Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Well, well, well... Look what the cat dragged in!" Jeon Minguk sneered.

Jungkook gaped at his brother. But was it his brother? Minguk seemed more sinister, more powerful

Minguk rose into the air effortlessly. The ability to fly was available to only the most able wizards. And yet Minguk—he just stood on air, staring down at them. (A/n: for clarification, most wizards can't levitate. It takes a highly trained wizard.)

His eyes. That was the detail that was throwing Jungkook off. Normally, when light hit Minguk's brown eyes, they lit up, with rays of sunshine streaming through them, throwing away his icy stare. But even with the light now... Minguk's eyes were empty. Black. They made Jungkook shiver.

"How nice of you to join us! I was worrying that you wouldn't show. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Caring too much about others is your weakness." Minguk sighed in mock sadness.

Jin gave a strangled gasp from behind Jungkook. Taehyung growled in anger. From behind the trees, three dark, hooded figures stepped out. Two struggling silhouettes lay on the ground at their feet. It was obvious who those two figures were. Jungkook's eyes narrowed. NO ONE hurt his friends' parents without paying for it.

Then one of the hooded figures stepped forward, throwing off her hood. His mother.

Jeon Nayeon grinned at her younger son. "Did you miss me, sweetie?"

Hoseok choked back a sudden nervous laugh. He couldn't help it. He liked rhymes. Just, it wasn't a very good time... 

Nayeon's dark brown eyes flashed to him in disgust.

"Of course you would bring along your pet Mudblood. Honestly, Jungkook, I thought we had raised you better than this. Am I right, honey?" She turned back to the remaining shadowy figures, and gestured to the taller figure.

Jeon Jinho stepped forward. He sighed. "I guess we thought wrong."

Yoongi stepped forward in protest. "Don't you dare—" he stopped as the third figure stepped forward.

"Min Yoongi, my darling... you disappoint me."

Jungkook looked from Yoongi to the woman that had stepped out of the shadows. Yoongi's eyes went wide with shock as he stared at her.


Min Haeloun smiled. "That's right, Yoongi."

Namjoon and Hoseok exchanged glances. Grandmother?

Yoongi still couldn't say anything.

Minguk grinned. "Are you surprised, Yoongi? Why? I'm sure if you heard our terms, you'd be glad to join us as well. Perhaps even Jimin over there would like to join us. After all, that would be better than death, wouldn't it?"

Jungkook stood in front of Yoongi, breaking off Haeloun's icy stare at her grandson. Haeloun turned her eyes. They were... disturbing wouldn't be quite the word. More... unsettling. They burned purple and dark brown, flashing in the light. Jungkook felt like he was getting swallowed into the depths... He wanted to obey her every word...

Yoongi hit him hard in the back. "Snap out of it! My grandmother's area of expertise is very... different. Don't look into her eyes. That's how she draws you in."

Jungkook shook his head, trying to clear Min Haeloun's presence.

Minguk cackled, and at that moment, he was nothing like the Jeon Minguk Jungkook had once known. No, Minguk was gone, replaced by something, someone else. 

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