So Far Away (The Rev, Zacky Vengeance & Avenged Sevenfold)

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27 December 2014 (Present)

Interstate 15 Highway, entering California

California, Rest In Peace

Simultaneous release

California, show your teeth

She’s my priestess, I’m your priest

The chorus of ‘Dani California’ was sung at the top of our lungs as we sped along the highway in our rented Hummer HT3. My fingers drummed on the leather glove compartment area as I moved my head to the beat. The gang was headbanging as well and some were playing air guitars with cigarettes in their mouths. I shifted my head out of the car through the window and took in the cool winter wind. My head fell back as the speed increased and I burst into laughter. We are a bunch of crazy British kids driving to California from our five-night stay in Vegas. How cool is that? Trust me, I could not believe it as well.

22 December 2014

London Heathrow Airport

The day has finally arrived. Everything was going as planned. Necessities were packed, Euros were converted and flight tickets were in hand. I scanned the flight information board for flight BA0275 to Nevada and realised that the gates were opened. I did a 180-degree spin and chuckled at the eccentric sight. Parents were hugging and kissing their young adults while throwing advices to their faces. Their young adults, on the other hand, were trying their best to escape from all their over-protective parents. Amidst the frenzy, a pair of eyes caught mine and the owner ran towards me.

“Today’s the day, buddy!” Ian Scott Lewis exclaimed as he pulled me in for a hug. The strong cigarette smell which lingered on his body almost choked me. I pulled away and grinned. Damn right it is! He ran his fingers through his sleek black hair and flashed me a million-dollar smile. He had his arm across my shoulders as he leaned his huge figure against me. I ruffled his hair lightly.

Ian is the younger brother of my best friend. Even though he is a year younger than me, he was mature and funny and that definitely gave him added advantages when it came to girls and relationships- apart from his good looks, of course. He has been my buddy since forever and we would often hang out.

“I’m sooooo excited, Ska!” Madison Grace Lewis cried out and squeezed my hands. Her long, shiny black hair was tied up in pigtails. The huge smile on her face portrayed a full set of pearly whites, in contrast to her rosy cheeks. Madison is beautiful.

She is Ian’s older sister and we have been the best of friends ever since we stepped into this world. Their parents and mine were schoolmates turned best friends and the three of us have emulated our parents’ friendship. I squeezed her hands in return and hugged her tight, knowing that there was no one else I had rather be with now.

“Thank you for everything, Ska! This trip is going to be a whole lot of fun!” Three 23-year old burly males chimed in. Royce Parker Harris, Alexander Blake Wright and Felix Liam Edwards beamed and opened their arms wide. I skipped towards them and had three pairs of strong arms squeezing the life out of me. They were my favourite cousins and this two-week trip in USA would definitely be a whole lot of fun with them. Ian and Madison, who were standing behind me, were pulled into the hug as well.

“Calling for passengers of Flight BA0275 to McCarran International Airport, Nevada, to the Departure area please,” a female voice boomed over the PA system, breaking the group hug.

“That’s your flight, guys!” Mrs Joanne Watson announced. She rushed towards me and hugged me tight.

“Scarlett darling, remember to have regular meals and take good care of yourself! Oh, remember to  drink plenty of water and drive carefully!” she advised, for the umpteenth time. I held her at an arm’s length and grinned.

“Mum! Relax, I’m 24 years old! Don’t you worry alright? I promise I’ll take good care of myself and the gang!” I gave her my word. Mum smiled and pulled me into another tight hug.

Mr Roberts Watson grinned at the sight and approached us, giving me a tight hug and a kiss on my forehead.

“Now, be a good daddy’s girl and stay out of trouble! It’ll be our first Christmas without you and we’ll miss you. And Ska, please send my regards to him,” he spoke softly. I gave Dad a slight nod and kissed his cheeks.

I waved goodbye and went around to collect the rest of the gang. Maddy’s eyes were puffy as she bid farewell to Mr & Mrs Lewis. The guys were nonchalant and we made our way to the departure gate hurriedly.

 We were about to enter the gate when I heard my name being called. I spun around to witness the most gorgeous British man in the universe jogging towards me. Felix grabbed hold of my hand-carry luggage and urged for me to go. I ran towards the muscular, 6’ tall man and threw myself at his ready arms.

“You made it!” I squealed. Oliver Jude Alfred kissed my cheeks and lowered me gently.

“I managed to sneak out of the meeting! I can’t possibly let you go without giving you this!” he replied enthusiastically as his warm lips crashed into mine, answering the question in my head. I wrapped my arms around his neck and dug my fingers into his dark brown curls. Oliver had his arms around my waist and he tasted divine. After what seemed like eternity, we both broke away from the parting gift. I let out a soft chuckle and looked around sheepishly.

“Take care, Scarlett. I’ll be here, counting down the days till you’re back in my arms. I love you,” Oliver whispered. He took my hand and walked towards the departure gate with me. I replied him whole heartedly and managed a peck goodbye.

Oliver Jude Alfred is my fiance and we have known each other since school years. Oliver was leading a successful career in aviation and he aspired to have his own airline. I, on the other hand, was keen in music and run my own recording studio. I could play most musical instruments and I have been working with my dad’s companies ever since I was fourteen. 

27 December 2014

Interstate 15 Highway, Barstow

“Scarlett Eleanor Watson! Get your head back in here!” Ian shouted as he tugged at my sleeves with his free hand. He had his other hand firmly on the steering wheel as he released the accelerator pedal gradually.

“It’s getting colder! Besides, we’re stopping for a bit. Alex and Felix needed the washroom,” Ian explained his actions. I chuckled and rubbed my palms together as it was indeed getting colder.

Ian pulled to a stop nearby a diner and the guys got off. Ian decided to grab some lunch and Royce followed him. Maddy and I were left in the Hummer and she went around to the driver’s seat. She fiddled with the music player and played ‘A Little Piece of Heaven’. As the song started, I felt a gush of emotions filling me. I looked out the window, zoning myself out from whatever Maddy was saying. I supposed she noticed this and turned the volume down.

“I’m sorry, Ska,” she apologised. I shook my head and wiped an escaped teardrop off my cheek. Maddy held my face and hugged me tight.

“We’re going to see him, it’ll be okay, Ska. I promise you that,” Maddy continued as she caressed my back. I hugged her tightly and thanked her for the assurance. She then held me at an arm’s length and laughed.

“Even a tough cookie has a soft spot eh?” Maddy teased and I hit her arm lightly. I turned up the volume and we sang the song with all our lungs, and hearts.

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