Chapter 12.

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Osamu arrives at the dorm. He sees Suna all happy, texting on his phone.

-Ey hello Suna.

Suna looks at him with the corner of his eye, and continues texting.

-Suna? Hello? I'm homee~

-Yes I can see you Osamu I am in a conversation with someone now.

-Oh? And who is that?

Suna chuckles. -Osamu, are you my personal FBI agent?

-Well-No? Not yet tho. But maybe I know the person you are texting.

-His name is Ak-Akaashi? Akaashi Keiji. He started texting me about volleyball, and he seems fun.

-Akaashi? Hmm.. Do you mean, Bokuto's boyfriend?

-First, he has a name dummy. And second, who is that?

-Bokuto? Do you seriously don't know Bokuto?

-Am I supposed to?

-So you really live under a rock, huh? Bokuto is the best ace in volleyball from the whole Japan. I used to be best friends with him, but we aren't talking that much now.

-Oooh. That's cool,I guess? Well, I think I will start playing volleyball again. Akaashi told me the team needs a middle blocker as soon as possible, and he saw in my description that I used to be one.

-Really? Osamu became excited.

-Yes. But why so happy?

-Osamu laughs, I am in the team too!

-Wait--no way. So I can't escape you..that sucks.

-Oh come on I know you love me~

-No lol. Can we like-go now? We are running late.

-Oh-OH-I forgot school was a thing-.

They both start walking towards their class. None of them wanted to, but hey, who likes school? Literally no one bad dum ts.

After classes.

-So Rintaro, wanna go to the gym now? I wanna see your skills. Akaashi says. Akaashi is a calm person and really responsible. He is wonderful at everything. You can call him perfection as well, if you ask me.(If it isn't obvious that I kin Akaashi).

-You can call me Suna. And yeah sure. I may not be in a good form now since I didn't play in a while, but let's go.

-Perfect. Follow me.

Akaashi starts leading the way to the gym. He was the vice-captain of the team, so he had to make sure everything is okay and organized.

Once they enter the gym, Suna starts feeling nervous. He sees a lot of good blockers trying their best to get in the team, so he immediately thinks it was a bad idea.

-Hey, Akaashi-

-HEY HEY HEEEY. Here he is. Bokuto Koutarou. The best ace, even though he is a crackhead and is always childish. Bokuto is always happy and tries to help his juniors.

-Bokuto-San, please lower your voice, you'll scare Suna.

-Suna? Who's that 'Kaashi? :( Are you cheating? :o

-No, no, no. I am Suna. Nice to meet you. I am here for the middle blocker audition.

-Ahaaa! I got it. Wait-. Did you say "Suna"? As in "Suna Rintaro"? The best blocker in 2016-2018?

-Oh- Yeah you can say that too. I didn't play in a while so please don't be too harsh-

-You are in! Aggashee, please cancel the audition. We have to welcome Suna properly.

-Bokuto-San, are you sure you don't wanna see him train or anything?

-Yes 'Kaashi! I know him from the TV! He is really good and he fits here perfectly!

-As you say Bokuto-San. Welcome Suna! I'll come back after I tell everyone that the middle blocker was chosen.

-Wo-wow. Thank you. I didn't expect this.

Bokuto smiles and continues his training.

Welcome back to a new chapter, after a while. I am sorry again guys! My school program is really full and I have to take care of all the subjects! Thank you for your support. It's literally wonderful. 🥺❤️
I hope you enjoy this chapter °¬°. I love you! Stay safe!~💍

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