Chapter 1: Without A Trace

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So before we begin, if you're a reader of my other books you'll notice that I use a different writing style in this book. I figured out that it is just easier to use and is one that a lot of writers use. Also, I just want to warn you that there is sex in this book. So with that out of the way, I hope you enjoy!


The early morning sun shone through the window of a young man's bedroom, lighting up many badges and trophies. Pictures of the young man who always wore a hood and a mask along with his pokemon Mewtwo as they accept rewards for battles lined the shelves.

Many posters of famous pokemon trainers with signatures decorated the walls. Clearly motivations for the owner of this bedroom.

The bedroom itself was quite messy, with food containers carelessly thrown on the floor, along with a newspaper with the headline, 'The Tamer Wins Big Once Again'. Followed by a picture of the victors. 

A loud, blaring alarm began sounding through the bedroom, and the large mass buried with sheets made a tired groan as he uncovered himself, revealing the face of a young, nineteen year old man with well shaven stubble and hair tied back into a ponytail.

He defeatedly reached over to the alarm clock, and slammed his hand down on it, successfully shutting it up. He blinked his eyes repeatedly as he tried to wake himself up before resorting to rubbing his eyes with his hands.

With a long yawn, he threw the sheets off of him completely and sat on the edge of the bed. The man was clearly physically fit, and well exercised judging by his muscular body.

Suddenly, his phone began to vibrate, indicating that someone was calling him. He reached over to his bedside table, grabbing the touchscreen phone. He immediately recognised the caller, and answered.

"Yo, Nathan! You finally gonna take some of the fame or what?" A male voice asked on the other end.

Nathan rolled his eyes. "The fame isn't mine to take. It's all Mewtwo." he chuckled.

"Yeah but you're the one who tamed her! Surely that means you're the greatest pokemon trainer of all time! You could be rolling in cash right now!" He exclaimed.

"Little bro, you know that I'm not in it for the fame. That's why I never show my face to the public."

"You say 'little bro' like I'm not two times bigger than you." his brother chuckled.

It was true, Nathan's little brother was an absolute giant of a man and had the body similar to a Machamp. When it came to everything outside of pokemon training, fighting and plain common sense, his brother was better at it.

"Fair enough, Danny. So why are you really calling?" He asked boredly

"Oh, right. Linda and I are gonna head to the mall today. We were thinking that since you've been single for basically all your life and you're kinda a loser, we could help you out a little. Linda's idea, not mine." his brother chuckled.

Nathan sighed inwardly, what no one knew was that he wasn't single and he hadn't been for a very long time. "I think I'll pass, Danny. I'm good." he stated.

"Come on, bro! Us Kent's look out for each other and also, Linda was really looking forward to helping you get in the game." His brother said, trying to sound convincing.

"You have your life, I have mine. Trust me, Danny. I'm good."

A sigh was heard on the other end. "Dude, something is wrong with you." he said. "You don't take the fame that anyone would, and you don't even try to be in a relationship. Don't you think about how that makes us look?"

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