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"L A I L A, Y O U   S E E M  T O  B E in deep thought," the detective woman began again, causing Laila to stop her finger movement as she played with a hem of her sweater calmly.

Laila pondered for a moment, not wanting to give into the woman's theories that she was hiding something, because even if Laila may have been honest so far, there was still so much to the story left. Some things, which she wanted to keep hidden.

Putting on a false smile, Laila glanced up at the redhead woman, who looked a little frightened to see Laila smile so much. Her classmate was dead, worse, she was killed and Laila seemed to have zero pity. Whether it was creepy or heartless, or just Laila's coping mechanism, the woman had yet to understand. "Yes?" Laila questioned with raised eyebrows, looking off to a side for a second as she tried to hide her true emotion, something which bothered her far too much. "Well, you hadn't asked me anything in a while."

Laila's aunt, who sat next to her, glanced at the detective vaguely, noticing she disliked Laila's tone and words. Jada didn't know what to say to soften the situation, but Laila seemed to get a hint she was being too mean. It wasn't her, Laila realized, but it was better than crying or making yourself look guilty. "You weren't one of the popular students, were you?" the woman continued on after noticing Laila's softened look. "A scholarship student, who didn't have the luxury others had."

Laila didn't take it to heart, having been used to be underrated since her early childhood, but especially in Las Encinas, even if she was one of the smartest students. "True," Laila mused dully, meeting the woman's imbedded eyes from across the table.

The detective pursed her lips, Laila realizing the next question was stuck at the edge of her tongue. The woman glanced at Laila's aunt, frowning gently so Laila chuckled emotionlessly, realizing what would be the next question. "Was I bullied because of it?" she asked herself, the detective snapping her tired eyes back at the teenage girl, who continued to grin without any genuine emotion on her face. "Funny you should care... It was true I was their pawn. A girl, who got a scholarship because her mother crossed a street at a very wrong time, what to say she crossed a crossing, not just the street. A girl, who didn't have a brand luxury car or money. The worst part in their heads, a girl who had to work. Can you imagine how extra-terrestrial I was to them?"

Laila then leaned back on her chair, loosing her once bitter smile. "Did you hate them for it?" the woman asked curiously, seeing a new emotion in Laila, one of anger and bitterness. Laila, however, didn't want the woman to see that deep down, despite trying not to care, she did care. That it did leave deep wounds and made the girl the way she was.

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