2. Fatigue Beyond Function

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She's still breathing.

Will she wake up?

Reena Reeeeena Reeeeennnnna Reeeeennnnnaaaaa.

Wake up, Reena.

We can't see without you.

We need you.

        A soft warmth holds her with the scent of honey and lemon nearby. A gentle wave of a welcoming feeling of comfort.

        It is all unfamiliar. It's not the safety of her castle of loneliness under the broken tree at the algid mountain's peak.


Where is she?

Let her rest.

Can she hear us? Heh, heh.



        No evidence of soil or cold left. Any traces of frostbite treated, and abrasions that were numb from the searing cold are wrapped. The linen that holds her is warm, and the curtains of her eyes rise like the sun to reveal her nearly void eyes with the space beyond the world seeming to color them as they always have.

She's awake.

Where are we?

What is she doing?

Why is she just laying there?

Reena, get up.

Are you ok?

        Slowly she began to lift her arm, flinching with familiar pain, but it was duller than normal. She managed to bring her hand to her forehead, and she breathed out a gentle sigh, happy it was not as much as a struggle as it had been.

Do you hear it?

Footsteps in the hall, and a tap.

Tap step step, tap step step, tap step step.

Is it a hall? Or another room.

Maybe you'll become a toy.

At least you wouldn't be useless then.

        Panic rose in her chest, making her head throb as a faint persistent ringing announced its presence. Her widening eyes flew to the door as its handle turned.

Are you scared?

You should be! Hehe!

It's going to open.


Hahahaha! So sad.

Where's his sword, Reena?

        Her eyes darted around the room. It was scarce with a small nightstand sat beside the head of the bed with a simple wooden chair to keep it company, and caddied in the far corner was an old wardrobe.

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