6. Stories Told

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        She drudged behind the beast with a sack slung over her shoulders as she followed it near the base of the mountains while the ghost sat on its back, making a mix of snide and warm remarks while trying to force her to pace herself on words alone.

How long ago was it?

When did the Ghost join her?

Seven years ago.

Why did he join her?

He despises her yet loves her?

Hush and I will tell you the story of the Ghost and Reena.

        A soft breeze in the warm air as soft steps land in the dry airy soil. Rain was sorely missed as clouds of dust puffed from her path, and despite the parchedness of her tongue, she hummed a soft, blithe tune. Her familiar was sprawled out upon its back as its wings fell down the sides of her head that it used as a bed.

        A cold breeze bit them as it rushed by, kicking up the dust, forcing her to shield her eyes while her lungs expelled the unexpected debris, and the familiar vanished.

        "What's this?" a voice smirked as the rush of air ceased, but the cold remained. "A mage?" his voice toyed with her nerves as his words slipped down her spine. "Not just a mage, huh?"

        She cleared her eyes while looking to him. Onyx scales, grey skin, and eyes of fire. A devil of a dragon leered at her with sinister intentions before he vanished only to appear directly behind her with a claw tracing down her spine, threatening to tear it out.

        "Tell me," he cooed, "How old are you?"

        "Wh-why?" her voice trembled, and his clawed hand paused, adding pressure as he began to make good on the threat with his other hand grabbing her throat.

        "Did I say you could ask questions?" he growled in her ear, making her jump with a whimper, "Answer me, girl."

        "Ei-eighteen!" she gasped.

        "What a pity. So young," he sighed before smirking, "That's what they'll say if they ever find your corpse."

        "P-Please don't kill me!" she chirped with fear rising in her mind.

        "And why shouldn't I?" he laughed before forcibly spinning her to face him, maintaining a tight grip on her throat as he looked into her tear-filled eyes. "Fear... What a beautifully pathetic sight..." he sighed in annoyance.

        "J-Just let me g-" she tried to beg but his hold was too tight with his claws beginning to puncture her neck.

        "The only thing I despise more than humans is their damned begging." he scoffed while pulling back his free hand, pointing his claws forward like a spear. "None of you are worth your pleas." he growled as his hand plunged towards her chest.

        A sickening crack filled the air and warmth coated his fingertips as pain contorted her face with a smirk finding his lips, but only for a moment. He froze. His gaze fell to her body. Bones encased her as a ribbed armor, he had merely pierced the surface of her skin through her shirt. The crack was his own hand, broken by the force of it crashing into the armor of bone.

        "H-How?!" he snapped before tossing her aside, and the armor vanished, "How did you summon it without speaking?!" he growled before glaring at her only to find her fleeing.

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