7. Lost in the Stories

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        Her fingers played against the skull with her mind lost to the memory of her story.

        Days had passed without notice after she left the town she had met him in, but every night was accompanied by thoughts of him and 'what-ifs'. She dreamt of if she had let him walk her home. She dreamt of if the two had run away together. No matter how impossible it was she couldn't help but lose herself in the imaginative happiness, ignoring the hunger that was whispering at the back of her mind.

        She heard the whispers speak of a creek nearby and the crisp water that would sate her growing thirst. She cleared her mind and began making her way to the creek. Each step drew her closer to relief.

        A careless step swept her off the ground, nearly yanking her leg from its socket as she became suspended in a trap.

        "That must be the din-...." the sweetly familiar voice was cut off by the swaying sight of her. Her raven locks danced as they faded into their vibrant blue ends. "What the..." he struggled to hide his amused smile as he tilted his head in an attempt to view the upside-down woman. "Let me get you out of that." he hummed as he moved towards her frozen form, unable to tell that the red on her face was a blush and not just her blood pooling in the gravity of the situation. "Hold on to my neck." he guided as he placed a hand on her back and aided her to curl upwards, and she hesitantly wrapped her arms around him. "Are you ready? I'll keep you upright." he gave an assuring smile as she looked away with a small nod. "Alright." he hummed as he pulled a dagger from the back of his hip, making her heart pound until he merely cut the snare, and he kept his promise. "There we go!" he chimed in success, keeping an arm around her while she found her feet, and he secured the dagger back in its sheath. "Maybe I should start charging you for the rescues." he teased with that same sense of familiarity as her nervousness quickly became apparent. "I'm only kidding. I don't mind helping anyone in need out."

        "Th-thanks." she mumbled while glancing up to him before blushing as she realized her arms were still resting around his neck, and she quickly withdrew them, nearly stumbling back, but his arm kept her in place.

        "You're welcome." he smiled softly, "I'm Rob by the way." he offered his hand while releasing her, and she looked at it nervously. "I'd figured I'd introduce myself before you run away this time." he snickered before giving an amused smile, taking her hand and shaking it, "That's what you're supposed to do when someone offers their hand like that." he teased while sticking his tongue out at her.

        "I know what a handshake is!" she blurted with a furious blush, making him laugh the laugh that fluttered her heart while he held his hands up in surrender.

        "You just looked really confused." he hummed with a rather amused smile before looking to her expectantly, making her jump slightly. "What's your name?"

        "O-Oh! Re-Reena...." she stuttered nervously as she continued to blush.

        "Re-Reena, it's a pleasure to meet you!" he chimed as she raised an eyebrow.

        "N-No.... It's Reena..." she mumbled while gripping her arm.

        "So Re-Reena what are you doing out here?" he smiled as she pouted slightly.

        "Reena." she stated with a bit more confidence.

        "Re-Reena." he huffed in amusement.

        "Reena!" she exclaimed. "My name is Reena!"

        "No no no! You're saying it wrong now!" he teased, "It's Re-Reena!"

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