4. Kept Company

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The snow is so pretty...

What is she doing?

Where is she going?

Reena. Take shelter.

Don't want to freeze to death after all Ikko's hard work. Hehehe

        Her cloak held her as she moved through the deep snow, keeping the harshest of the winds at bay. The cold continued to permeate her core as she dredged her way up the mountain.

She's going home.

They're waiting!

It's too far.


Make a fire.

She won't make it.

        Doubt mixed with encouragement as it often did in the voices that plagued her mind.

        The voices gave sweet words in soft tones as amused laughter fluttered, fading like a rolling wave.

        Some found sickening entertainment in her struggle, but what would you expect from stolen souls.

        The voices grew in number since the first six, and they have been her source of insane sanity since.

Home. She's almost there!

Why is she looking there? Is she lost?

Just a sheet of snow slipping from the branch.

More should join it.

Scream until your lungs give out, and cascade with the snow.

Just a bit further.

        A stump of a large tree stood just taller than she, with its corpse propped against it. The thick briars that had once tasted her blood bordered the yews that were lashed to the fallen tree with a small opening facing her.

She made it.

He's going to be there.

Focus on what needs to be done.

Bailey, Bailey, Bailey!

Make a fire Reena.

What about food?

        She couldn't deny the pain in her stomach, but she had been gifted a small tin of crackers by Ikko.

Right! The tin! There's crackers in there.

And leaves. Dry leaves...

Strange magic coats the box.

It reeks of another... place? World?

There's an other world?

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