8. The End of The Beginning

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We... stole her?

She's so tired.

From the Master.

It's almost done.

Are we going to be punished?!

So close...

        She was no longer aware of the sting that the cold mountain air lashed her with as she watched the beast before her. The blood that had once drenched its head now clumped its fur together in crimson ice. Its movements were sluggish with a sense of discoordination and force as its razor-claws tore through the frozen ground. She watched in a perfect stillness as she took shallow breaths to avoid angering her injuries while her numb fingers mulled over the skull in her hands. After a few moments, the beast halted its digging and looked to her. She nodded her head before the beast obediently trailed off, and she moved to the hole it had dug before carefully moving on to her knees. She placed the skull with its empty sockets watching the world in front of the mountain before she began refilling the hole with its displaced earth.

She's so cold.

Reena, stop and make a fire.

She doesn't even notice.

Has she given up?

Does she want to die?

You can do this.

        The snow gnawed at her numb digits until she had finished, and she slowly staggered to her feet, clenching her teeth. She took a moment to compose herself before turning to follow the beast, but a flutter of air brushed past her face, and warmth began to seep against her left cheek. Slowly she raised a hand to it before looking to her fingertips that were now painted red.







        Her eyes widened as she stumbled to the side with an arrow flying by her. Her heart began to shred against her ribs while her vision darted through the trees.

        "I finally found you." his voice was unforgiving.

Reena. Run.

She's going to die. Heh heh

It's not safe!

Call the beast back!

It's too late!


        "I di-"

        "SHUT UP!" he shouted, making her flinch as her eyes found his of gold. "You are a goddamn monster!" he growled as her eyes shattered with tears, and he dropped his bow to draw the short sword from his back. "You will pay for the crimes you have committed, Necromancer!"

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