5. Lost. Gone. Adrift Again.

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The coldness is coming again.


Creeping veins of frost to disrupt your life.

Wake up, Reena. You need to put more wood on the fire.

Dwindling, just like her. Hehehehe...

Get too cold, and you'll never grow old.

        Her eyes slowly opened, with the restless voices' pleas reaching her. Her hand searched the dark that was warmed by embers for a piece to place upon the starving flames. After a moment the fire was fed, and her familiar hopped out from under the blankets, gently flapping its wings to breathe life into the dwindling fire before skipping back into her warmth. She adjusted her cloak while gently petting her familiar's head, earning its soft purr.

Hm hm hm hmmm hm hm hm hmmmm...

She's falling asleep again.

Safely tucked away in the warmth of the furs and the love of the fire.

Love? It burned her.

Just like everyone else... Just like the Unworthy.

She doesn't need anyone else.

        The silent night continued with the whispers never ending in her mind as she rested to the one that hummed a soft tune for her as it did every night. However, she never slept deeply with the random bouts of unhinged laughter, jeers, taunts, and constant streams of the endless questions.

Do you ever wonder why we're here?

What was that?

Reena, wake up. Something's in the darkness.

Will you tell me what chocolate tastes like?


It's not safe!

The fire crackled with its promise of warmth as the soft furs held it close to her.

A heavy breath and crushing weight violated the pristine snow that smothered the forest.

Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!


Death would be happy to claim her as we.

It's hunnnggrrryyyy! Ehehe

Claws and teeth.

Teeth and claws.

        Her eyes finally flew open to the pleading voices, and she sluggishly began to recognize the world around her. First, she heard the compaction of the snow, then the groans of the yews as a weight tested them. Her breath shook as she silently gathered her belongings, securing what she could to herself while fear began to strangle her mind.

        She may shake, but she will not stop. Her hands fumble skillfully, guided through the memory of the motions to secure her belt and cloak. Taking advantage of the moments granted.

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