chapter 6

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Anytime no one was looking Barry and frost would share glances and smiling each other frost giving her kissy face Barry loved  her already Barry was sitting one side if room hearing iris sayings about how frost will turn evil again Barry got annoyed and stood up "hey iris I would like you to stop pesting being annoying to my new team mate and friend she good I trust her she help me already" Barry smiled and smirked at frost who we bit blush showing.

Joe was getting angry by Barry sticking up for frost "Barry why you sticking up for her Caitlin I understand she nothing like her you love iris you always did" "Joe I love you your my dad but I don't love iris and if I want to stick up for frost I will she new to this she needs someone to trust and me Cisco will be there for her and Caitlin never again I let her leave because I was selfish for making her I saw my mistake in speed force and that was their too you know I'm happy iris alive but I don't need to love her ok" he said bit angry.

Barry went to computer and put on song to sing

Barry sang going around frost and start dancing showing his moves shocking them all Joe iris wally left annoyed h.r and Cisco left get big belly burger for them frost kissed   Barry "great singing again Barry" she said

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