The casket Girls

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Hayley Pov :

Hayley was sitting on one of the couch's in  the Library with Davina How looked like she was in Là Là land , she was Fluttering from one Shelf to the other taking Tombs out to inspect them before returning them to Their place .

Hayley sat watching her with amusement it was like seeing her Daughter when she return Home from the school she will Go to the library seeking true Useful Knowledge as she dubbed it , with Handy spells and Real magic not the watered down version Alaric and Carolina are selling for their Daughters and other kids .

" That is not Magic Mom " . Hope will protest with a huff everytime she asked her about her magic lessons at the school . " everyone knows that the Real powerful Grimoire are with Bonnie Bennett who will burn them before landing them to Anyone who may have the slightest chance of misusing them which in her opinion is practically everyone " .

Hope will then Roll her eyes and huff . " that why i can wipe the floor with all of them without even trying " . then she will use her big blue eyes and her cutest pout to beg , " can't i stay here with you and auntie ?  , i can learn magic from her and Vincent and Go to Normal high school " .

Hayley will always sigh and hug her apologies and explain for the hundred time . " i want you to stay with me , i hate every second away from you  . but i want you to enjoy your childhood be the kid that you are ,  that why i keep sending you to that school because its the normal for kids like you .  Baby promise me you will Remember that  you are not anyone and you are very special . you are wonderful and perfect and i want you to have everything that we never had " .

Hope will still pout but will Relent minute later and demand they go to her favorite eatery or go to the Quarter to shop for Books and trinkets .

She was brought back from her bittersweet memories by Davina's who sat on the couch beside her , Hayley smiled at her and asked teasingly . " find something you like ? " .

Davina's beamed and answered . " yeah , practically the entire Room " .

Hayley Giggled mirthfully , " i guessed as much from your Bright face and squeals " . she traded her again .

Her smile fell and she looked at the younger girl eyes and could easily see the Wariness Fear curiosity and Hope as she examined her nervously , she feels for this Davina's how many times has she looked onto her mirror to see this exact look but instead of Hope and Curiosity she will see pain , Despair and self-hatred .

Live was never Good to her from her early childhood to her late teen if she is not out surviving on the street then she is pouncing from one foster Home to another either being abused or waiting to be send back when she was found lacking .

She always found herself lacking and her foster guardian never parents do at the end , she never smile always disrespectful and buying her temperat was always a problem or she hate the activities they demand she participate in so she can fit the mood of their ideal daughter , she admit that some of them weren't that bad and she enjoyed them but she still protested and obtained on principle she wanted someone to like her as she is not for what they want her to be .

" Go a head and ask , i won't bit you " . Hayley urged the young witch with calm expression .

Davina's blushed and palmed the Grimoire in her hand as she asked nervously , " was i that obvious ? " .

" a little bit " . Hayley replied with a gesture of her thumb and index fingers and a wink .

" if I'm that obvious , then you don't need me to ask you can just answer me " . Davina's challenged her defensively , finally back to her normal confident self instead of the shy awkward teen she has been all day .

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