Chapter 8

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Over the next few days, Kirishima started to stay a little bit longer each time. By Wednesday, he stayed for almost six hours. He got home and found that Bakugo wasn't there. He grabbed his phone from the counter and called him. The phone rang, and Bakugo didn't answer. It went to voicemail. "Hey, I'm home. Where are you?"

He heard the door open and he put his phone down. He saw Bakugo walk in the door as he carried bags in his hands. "Hey, can you help me?"

Kirishima walked over to him and took some of the bags from his hands. "Where did you go?" Kirishima asked.

"Sorry, I waited for you were taking a while. I just went to get groceries for the week. How was training? Are you feeling okay about the trials?"

Kirishima sat down at the table, "I'm honestly really exhausted. It feels like I can't catch up on my sleep."

Bakugo walked up to him, "go lay down for a while. I'll wake you up when lunch is ready."

He wrapped his arms around Bakugo and held him close, "but I missed you. I don't wanna go to sleep."

"I missed you too. I'll go lay down with you for a while, yeah?"

Kirishima nodded his head, yes.

They got up and went to lay in bed. Kirishima wrapped his arm around Bakugo and held him close.

"What are they doing to you over there?"

Kirishima had his eyes closed, "just yelling at me."

"Are you gonna be okay for Friday? We're going to the amusement park."

Kirishima shrugged, "I think so."

"We can cancel so you can rest before the trials."

Kirishima shook his head, "don't cancel. I wanna go." He moved close to him and gave him a kiss.

Bakugo ran his fingers through Kirishima's hair, "okay. Hey, what about Todoroki? Did he ever find a way for me to go down there?" He looked down, and Kirishima was passed out. Bakugo smiled and gave him a kiss on his forehead. He moved his arm and got up to make lunch. He let Kirishima sleep for about two hours before waking him up. He got on the bed and sat on Kirishima's lap. He leaned down and kissed his neck, "wake up."

Kirishima started moaning softly in his sleep. "Katsuki," he mumbled.

Bakugo looked down at him and smiled, "wake up."

He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Bakugo. He smiled and grabbed his face to kiss him.

"What were you dreaming about?" Bakugo asked.

"Mm, let's just say the you in my dreams won't be able to walk tomorrow."

"Do it to me then. You can't just say that and then not show me."

Kirishima smirked, "yeah?"

Bakugo took off his shirt, "please." He leaned down and they started kissing. Kirishima moved his hands up and down Bakugo's body. Kirishima pushed him up and laid him on his back.

Bakugo placed his hands on Kirishima's chest, "you lay down."


Bakugo looked up at him, "you're tired."

"I'm fine. Plus, you said to show you what I did in my dream."

Bakugo nodded his head, "fine. But if you get tired, please tell me."

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