Chapter 13

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They left later that night. Kirishima and bakugo showed them around a few places. "Are you guys hungry? There's a small restaurant next to
our place that is amazing if you guys wanna go."

Midoriya looked over at Todoroki, "can we stay
to eat, please? I don't wanna leave yet."

"Fine, but we leave after."

They all drove to the restaurant together. They
sat outside and had dinner.

Midoriya kept looking up at the stars, "everything is so pretty here."

"Why don't you guys get a place? There are a few houses for sale in our neighborhood. I think you guys would like it."

Todoroki shook his head, "we are not-"

"Yes! Oh, come on, Shoto. It wouldn't be like we
didn't know anyone here. We have them to show
us around."

"We are not getting a place."

Midoriya smiled, "yeah we are. Can you guys
show us the houses next time we come?"

Kirishima nodded his head, "of course."


He looked at Todoroki with a mean glare, "what?"

Todoroki sighed and looked away, "nothing. I
can't wait to have a house in my favorite place in
the universe."

They finished having dinner then went back to
set up for the trials. "What time does it start?"
Bakugo asked.

"I think around two. But they last hours. We don't know what they're gonna ask either, so we don't know exactly how long it'll take."

Bakugo nodded his head, "okay. Where am I gonna sit?"

"You can sit with Todoroki and midoriya. You guys are gonna be in the front."


Kirishima was sitting down on the bed, "Is something wrong?

Bakugo shook his head, "no. I mean...Kinda? Are
you gonna be okay? The way Todoroki was talking about the trials when we were at dinner just seems, I don't know. Scary? Should we be worried?"

Kirishima grabbed Bakugo and held him close, "I was really worried before. But honestly knowing that you're there makes me feel so much better. We get a break in between each one, and knowing that you'll be there waiting for me helps a lot."

Bakugo smiled, "alright, fine. I guess that makes me feel better. Just promise me that you'll be careful."

"l promise l'll be careful."

"Okay. Do you wanna go to bed? I don't want you to be tired tomorrow."

Kirishima nodded his head, "okay. Only if you wear my favorite shorts though."

Bakugo smirked, "okay. Wait here."

Kirishima took off his jeans and got under the blankets as he waited. He had a big smile on his face when Bakugo walked back in, "Turn around for a second."

Bakugo got on the bed and turned around.

Kirishima slapped his ass, "I fucking love these. I'm so glad we had to go back today."

Bakugo laid down and smiled, "yeah?"

"Yes." Kirishima laid on his side facing him. He started moving his hand down bakugo's chest as he kissed him.

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