Chapter 12

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They got there and walked down the hall to Kirishima's room. "Where is everyone?" Bakugo

"Sleeping, on guard, or out. But it's gonna be
pretty much empty in here until Monday when
the trials start. So l can show you around all you want. But first, we can put your bags in my
room." Kirishima walked him down the hall. He
opened the door and they walked in.

"Wow. This is really nice."

Kirishima smiled, "thanks. I decorated it myself."

"Where can I put my clothes?" Bakugo asked.

"Right here. I got this brought in here just for

Bakugo walked up to the dresser and set his
clothes down.

Kirishima sat down on his bed, "so, what do you
absolutely wanna see first? I'll take you there and then we can explore the rest later."

Bakugo walked up to him and shrugged, "what about..your throne?"

Kirishima grabbed him by his waist and held him close, "I'm not gonna lie, I was kinda hoping you would wanna try out my bed."

Bakugo smirked, "we can try it out after we're

Kirishima stood up and started kissing his neck,
"Mm, alright."

Bakugo started breathing heavily, "l guess we
can try out your bed first."

"No, it's okay. You said you wanted to see my
throne first. Come on," he grabbed Bakugo's
hand and started walking them out of his room.

Bakugo sighed, "you can't do that."

"I'Il make it up to you. Come on."

They walked through the halls and ended up at a
door. Kirishima opened it and closed it slowly once they were inside.

Kirishima walked up to the throne and sat down. "So? What do you think?"

Bakugo walked up to him and smiled, "Very hot."

"Yeah? I wanna see you in it too." Kirishima was
about to stand up when Bakugo made him sit
back down.

"Sit," bakugo demanded. He got on and
straddled Kirishima. "As my king, is there anything that I can do for you?"

Kirishima smiled and moved his hands up
Bakugo's thighs, "someone can walk in."

"No, they can't? I locked the door."

Kirishima looked around him, "that door locks?"

Bakugo grabbed Kirishima's face, "stop getting
so distracted and look at me." He leaned in as
they started kissing.

"Okay does that door actually lock or not
because I didn't even know it had a lock on it."

Bakugo rolled his eyes at him, "yes it's locked.
Do you just wanna go back to your room?"

Kirishima nodded his head, yes.

"Fine." Bakugo got off of him and they started
walking back. They went to Kirishima's room and
locked the door.

Bakugo jumped on the bed, "why is it so comfortable?"

"Don't fall asleep. You've been teasing me since

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