Chapter 10

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Kirishima walked through the halls looking for Todoroki. He asked around and they said he was taking the day off. He walked down the hall and went to his room. The door was locked so he started knocking, "hey. Can you open it? I need to talk to you."

"It's my day off!" Todoroki yelled.

"I know, but I just need like five minutes."

Todoroki didn't answer back.

"Come on! Open it or I'll go look for midoriya and tell him about what you told me." He heard footsteps walking towards the door.

Todoroki opened it only a little bit, "what do you want?" He asked.

"So, I talked to katsuki. Actually, he asked me to marry him, and I said yes."

"You came all the way over here just to tell me that? And bothered me for what? Problem solved, get married. Congratulations." Todoroki was about to close the door.

"Hey! Hold on. I still need you. I need you to tell katsuki everything about the ritual and what we have to do. I also have another question."

"You said five minutes, this sounds like a very long conversation."

"Just let me in so we can talk."

Kirishima tried to open the door, but Todoroki stopped him. "I was in the middle of something."

Kirishima looked behind Todoroki and saw midoriya on the bed, covering himself with a blanket. Midoriya hid his face and waved at him, "h-hey, Kiri."

Kirishima stepped back and looked away, "sorry. But I really need you to come talk to us."

Todoroki sighed, "why right now? Why today?"

Kirishima smiled, "I said sorry."

Todoroki rolled his eyes at him and shut the door in his face.

"So...are you gonna come talk to us or not?" Kirishima asked. He could hear things moving around on the other side of the door.

Todoroki opened the door, "this better not take a long time."

Midoriya walked out with him and they got a bag full of books and supplies.

"Are you going with us?" Kirishima asked.

Midoriya nodded his head, "yeah. If that's okay?"

"Yeah, of course. Actually, I think you being there will help out. You know, once Todoroki over here starts yelling, we'll need you to calm him down."

They all went back to the house. Bakugo heard footsteps walking down the hall. He stood up and saw Kirishima, "hey. What did he say?"

"He's here. They're setting up in the kitchen," he reached down and held both of Bakugo's hands, "before we go talk to them I just wanna make sure you're still okay with this. And I just want you to remember, that if you hear something that you don't like, then we stop. You don't have to agree to anything you don't want. If in the end, you change your mind, please tell me. And I promise I won't be mad."

Bakugo nodded his head, "I'm okay with it. And if anything bothers me, I promise I'll tell you."

Kirishima leaned in and gave him a kiss before they walked back to the kitchen.

"Hey, this is katsuki."

Todoroki looked up, "I know who he is."

"I wasn't talking to you. This is midoriya, he's nice."

Todoroki rolled his eyes at him and set the stuff down on the table. "So, what do you wanna talk about?"

"We wanna get married. But I want you to tell katsuki everything before we move forward with it. Also...I don't even know what we have to do, so I wanna know too."

Todoroki opened a book and moved it closer to them, "we have to do this ritual before you guys can officially get married. First, you don't technically have to die. But there is something you guys have to do. In order for you guys to get married...Bakugo has to become a demon."

Bakugo sat up from his chair, "Wait. What?"

"Hold on. How is that even possible?" Kirishima asked.

"This is where it comes down to your decision. Bakugo, you have to agree to some things. In a sense, you'll both give each other a piece of yourselves. Meaning you literally wouldn't be able to ever marry someone else. You would belong to each other, mind, and soul. But this is legit, Bakugo. Like you will never be able to marry someone else if you wanted to. This is for life. There's no divorcing or separating. You will literally be tied to each other for eternity."

Bakugo nodded his head, "I'm okay with that."

"Really? You wanna be stuck with his annoying ass forever?" Todoroki asked.

Midoriya pushed him, "Shoto! Now is not the time!"

Bakugo smiled, "it's fine. But I'm one hundred percent okay with that. As long as he's okay with it."

Todoroki shrugged, "fine. It's your choice. A bad one, but it's your choice."

Midoriya leaned down to whisper in his ear, "Shoto, stop. Or I swear I won't let you touch me for a week."

Todoroki looked up at him, "okay. I'm sorry."
He looked back at them and saw them silently laughing. "Fuck off or I won't fucking help you."

Midoriya hit Todoroki's shoulder, "you're pushing it now."

"Fine! Okay. I'm sorry. When do you guys wanna do this?"

Bakugo shrugged, "now?"

"Like literally at this moment?" Todoroki asked.

"Yeah? I mean if Ei is okay with it. The trials start in a day. Wouldn't it be better if I got comfortable with it for at least a day before I have to be around a bunch of you guys?"

"Yeah, that's true. Alright, let me just get everything set up and we'll start." Todoroki and midoriya started taking things out of a bag and set them up on the table.

Kirishima stood up, "how long will it take for you guys to get everything ready?"

Midoriya shrugged, "ten minutes."

Kirishima reached down and grabbed Bakugo's hands, "okay. Come on." He walked them to their room and closed the door. "Are you really okay with this?"

"I am. Are you? I won't do it if you're not okay with it. I know that I said yes, but I wanna hear you say it too. Or else I won't do it."

Kirishima smiled and walked towards his dresser. He got a box out of it then walked back to Bakugo. "I know you already asked me, but I still wanna ask you." He grabbed Bakugo's hand and looked up at him, "I am in love with you. I never really knew what love was until you showed me. And I want you. Only you. For eternity. So, katsuki, will you marry me?"

Bakugo smiled and nodded his head, "yes. And I'm really in love with you too. But I think you already knew that."

Kirishima took Bakugo's hand and put the ring on him. They smiled at each other then held each other close as they kissed.

Bakugo held Kirishima's face in his hands, "I love you."

"And I love you."

Todoroki knocked on the door, "Hey, lovebirds. Everything is set up."

"Ready?" Kirishima asked.

Bakugo nodded his head, "ready."

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